Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jeb Banner, CEO of Boardable Lack of effectiveness is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for both nonprofit and for-profit boards. Dysfunctional group dynamics, disengagement with the board’s purpose and function, and (perhaps...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jeb Banner, Boardable CEO This is the first in a two-part series from Jeb Banner about board diversity. You can read the first installation here. We’ve already established the reasons that board diversity is the...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jeb Banner, Boardable CEO This is the first in a two-part series from Jeb Banner about board diversity. “Board diversity” is one of those buzz words you hear regularly in nonprofit circles. We all know the general reasons...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Darya Bontempo and Henry Carlson As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Sara Futch and Maria Sharova As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the fields we work...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Gina Clark Throughout our history, philanthropic organizations have played a critical role in addressing national health challenges at the local level. Their regional insights and knowledge, as well as relationships with...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jenna Barnes and Lindsay Goolsby As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kim Grider, CFO of the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Like many businesses, nonprofit organizations face extreme pressure to grow—but instead of focusing on profit generation, these organizations are working towards...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Peter Gamache, Ph.D. and Jackie Griffin, Turnaround Life, Inc. This is the fourth in a multi-part series from Turnaround Life, Inc. on the issues nonprofits face in building capacity. You can read the first two parts...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Susan Teson, EVP and Chief Fiduciary Officer, UMB Bank A key ingredient for a nonprofit to be successful is solid board governance. This means balancing intellect, reputation, resource and access – and it also means exercising...