Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kristen Maurer Nothing worthwhile comes without hard work and sacrifice, at least that’s how we see it in our day to day operations at Mission K9 Rescue. Taking a retrospective look as we near six years of service to...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Carol J. Walker Photographs are one of the most powerful tools there are to communicate a message and to illuminate a situation. They provide a window into another world that can draw people in, and can elicit an emotional...
By Sandy Cyr How does an organization go from humble beginnings to rapid growth in a relatively short period of time? Southeastern Guide Dogs has a vision of being the best service dog school in the world. This vision has helped the organization grow and expand,...
By Sandy Cyr Dr. Tom Lovejoy, one of the world’s leading experts on biodiversity, says if you follow the birds, you’ll end up at most of the important problems in the world. Birds are a great indicator species about the health of ecosystems, and because of this, the...
News about grants, gifts ArtsGreensboro seeks applicants for the 2020 Regional Artist Grant program. Funding for this program is provided by the North Carolina Arts Council and matched by the Arts Councils in the five participating counties: Alamance, Caswell,...
News about grants, gifts The Pacific Dental Services Foundation will embark on a service trip to the Tigray Region in Northern Ethiopia to provide donated dentistry to underserved patients in the communities of Mekelle and Hawzen. The Israel Cancer Research Fund...
News about grants, gifts U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services distributed nearly $10 million in grants to 41 organizations in 24 states to help prepare lawful permanent residents for naturalization. City National Bank seeks applicants for grants totaling up to...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jennifer Zoebelein, Ph.D. World War I was a devastating conflict that impacted both military forces and millions of civilians across the globe. Those communities caught in the war’s path suffered physical destruction...
News about grants, gifts Hendrick Automotive Group pledged $1 million for a new automotive training facility at Wake Technical Community College. HanesBrands partnered with Delivering Good to donate more than 225,000 pairs of underwear to assist Hurricane Dorian...
News about grants, gifts Horry County’s Meals on Wheels program received a $5,000 donation from Smithfield Foods. The Kresge Foundation awarded Catalyst Miami a $100,000 grant to advance policy solutions aimed at improving climate resilience and equitably reducing...