Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kristen Maurer Nothing worthwhile comes without hard work and sacrifice, at least that’s how we see it in our day to day operations at Mission K9 Rescue. Taking a retrospective look as we near six years of service to...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Carol J. Walker Photographs are one of the most powerful tools there are to communicate a message and to illuminate a situation. They provide a window into another world that can draw people in, and can elicit an emotional...
By Sandy Cyr How does an organization go from humble beginnings to rapid growth in a relatively short period of time? Southeastern Guide Dogs has a vision of being the best service dog school in the world. This vision has helped the organization grow and expand,...
By Sandy Cyr Dr. Tom Lovejoy, one of the world’s leading experts on biodiversity, says if you follow the birds, you’ll end up at most of the important problems in the world. Birds are a great indicator species about the health of ecosystems, and because of this, the...
Listen from Soundcloud at the bottom of the page Season 3, Episode 7 The Relationship: Tracye McQuirter is a public health nutritionist, activist, and vegan trailblazer and has been promoting a plant-based lifestyle for over 30 years, focusing on health and African...
By Jack Ahern Waterbirds know no borders. They will often travel hundreds of miles to the habitats that best serve their needs, where they can exist and thrive. Coincidentally, it is in that same way that the members of The Waterbird Society further the research on...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Hannah Williams Take a turn onto Tortuga Lane, drive down the path and you will meet dozens of new brave, flippered friends who are waiting to be released back into the wild. Settled in the heart of Surf City, NC, the Karen...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Katie Block Growing up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Baltimore City, I wished desperately to vanish from the dull concrete pavements and the cold, snowy winters and reappear on a warm Caribbean beach. I would imagine...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Sherri Orner 24 years ago, Pam Miller started a little cat rescue in her garage to provide a refuge for cats as she found them forever homes. Little did Pam expect this tiny, makeshift rescue to become one of the most...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Dianna Bari Animals have always been an important part of Scott Struthers’ life—as the son of a biologist, he connected with them but also understood the vital role they play on this planet. Having traveled to Africa for the...