12.14.15 US Nonprofit News

Dec 14, 2015 | News, Philanthropy Journal

Silicon Valley Community Foundation awards more than $2m, the Confetti Foundation receives $30,000 through the Mazda Drive for Good program, the Evanston Community Foundation seeks proposals for capacity-building and program grants from nonprofit organizations serving the Evanston community, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Silicon Valley Community Foundation has awarded more than $2 million to nonprofit organizations that provide support for undocumented immigrants in Santa Clara County who are eligible for administrative relief in the immigration process. A total $2,020,000 has been awarded to nine grantee organizations. Grants range in amount from $10,000 to $1 million.

Mary Kay Inc. made its 11th annual donation to TODAY‘s Holiday Toy and Gift Drive. Mary Kay Ash’s great-granddaughter, Jessica Bair, continued the gift giving tradition by presenting a $3 million donation live on NBC’s TODAY Show during Today’s Take.   

Mazda North American Operations, through the Mazda Drive for Good program and a partnership with NBCUniversal, has selected The Confetti Foundation as the recipient of $30,000 in goods and services.

The 5th Avenue Theatre has received a significant Building for Culture grant from King County’s 4Culture. The historic theater nonprofit will receive $217,645 toward replacing its outdated sound system.

Beachbody has donated a half a million dollars to support Upward Bound House through the sales of its newest fitness program. This donation, we go to help 100 homeless families receive support for an entire year.

News about people, groups

Land O’Lakes, Inc. has entered a multi-year partnership with GENYOUth, a leading non-profit organization focused on empowering America’s youth to achieve a healthier future by uniting partners, raising funds and uplifting the student voice. The collaboration will accelerate youth leadership in nutrition and provide experiential opportunities to develop the skills necessary to champion wellness in U.S schools and communities.

Nonprofit Pulse, a national survey of nonprofit leaders and executives by accounting firm Marks Paneth, highlights how demands by donors for reporting on the social returns of their gifts represent a new crucible for nonprofits.

12.14.15 Vanessa C Lockshin4Good‘s weekly webinar will feature Vanessa Chase Lockshin on December 16th as she shares how to write a thank you letter by incorporating nonprofits’ success stories.

ELEVATE GENIUS Concert & Charity Event, held by Kind-Hearted Compassion in Action Foundation, helped spread peace and compassion through music, art and activism on Decemeber 12th and honored several human rights activists.

Grantmakers In Health (GIH) has elected Ned Calonge, Nichole Maher, Elena Marks, Patricia Mathews, Donald Moulds, and David Rousseau to its board of directors. Their three-year terms begin immediately after the GIH Annual Conference on Health Philanthropy in March 2016.

12.14.15 Rousseau


12.14.15 Moulds


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12.14.15 Marks


12.14.15 Maher


12.14.15 Calonge


Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership and Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity have partnered to help individuals affect change in their communities. The partnership connects Phi Sigma Pi Chapters around the country to their local HOBY counterparts through service contributions, volunteerism, student sponsorship, conducting Community Leadership Workshops, in-kind donations, and more.
The Tourism Cares Board of Directors and the Review Committee have awarded Lindblad Expeditions and Myths and Mountains the Legacy in Travel Philanthropy award, Nikoi Island the New Innovators award, and  John Noel has been honored with the first Personal Philanthropic Leadership award.
GrantCraft, a service of Foundation Center, has released Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2016, the annual industry forecast authored by scholar Lucy Bernholz. The observations in Blueprint can help social enterprises think about and plan for the future.
The Invisible Institute, a journalistic production company on the South Side of Chicago, wins the December Sidney for The Citizens Police Data Project.
Four Children’s Mercy leaders have been endowed chair positions which are medicine’s highest and most prestigious honor, at the chair Investiture Ceremony. Honored were; Timothy L. Bennet, Karen S. Cox, Cheri Hunt, and Charles C. Roberts.
News about opportunities, initiatives

The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls’ 2016 Core Grants Application Cycle will award $250,000 total in grants this year. The deadline to apply is January 22nd, 2016.

January 23rd-26th in Washington D.C., Catholic Charities USA will host Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG). Centered around the theme Called to Live Mercy in Our Common Home, this year’s CSMG will focus on interpreting and living out Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ during the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The Evanston Community Foundation  is seeking proposals for capacity-building and program grants from nonprofit organizations serving the Evanston community. The Foundation’s 2016/2017 responsive grants make investments in organizations and projects that are poised to make a difference in the community by strengthening nonprofit organizations and their programs.

Community Clearinghouse Agency Inc. seeks volunteers in every state to distribute free community awareness fliers for the new ‘Family Assistance Program’ to help families get the things they need. An additional feature of the Family Assistance Program is that families can request funds to pay for small household needs up to $500.

Partners in Health has put together a wishlist of items that community health workers need to save lives ranging from $10 for umbrellas to $53 for a month of food packages and more.

Help Schools on Wheels prepare for the upcoming school semester by stuffing backpacks, sorting school supplies, organizing our learning center, and cataloging their lending library.

Independent Sector (IS) encourages nonprofit leaders to participate in their research which has been extended to 11:59 pm on December 16th. The survey will help IS to continue to support nonprofit professionals.

ExploringCircle engages travelers around environmental and social issues and pays it  forward by donating up to 5% of client fees to a cause actively working to ameliorate such issues. August 12-24, 2016, ExploringCircle and 5 Gyres are partnering and accepting reservations for the Northwest Passage cruise.

As the weather gets colder and the holidays gets closer, Hanes’ Annual Sock Drive is critical to those who are homeless. A mass donation of 200,000 socks is needed as socks are the least donated clothing items and Hanes campaign aims to bring awareness to this need and donate to homeless shelters.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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