12.21.15 US Nonprofit News

Dec 21, 2015 | News, Philanthropy Journal

MassMutual employees donate more than $1 million to nonprofits, WE Festival to take place April 13-14, Kauzbots gives consumers a new way to teach children about charity, The Ford Motor Company Fund and the League of American Orchestras partner, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) and its employees have granted more than $1.4 million to nonprofit organizations across the country through the company’s annual employee giving program, Mutual Impact. This year, 22 nonprofits received grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000.

12.21.15 UPPAbabyUPPAbaby is donating more than $150,000 worth of G-LUXE travel strollers to the 22nd Annual TODAY Holiday Toy Drive.

Johnson Traditional Middle School (Louisville, KY), Glasgow High School (Newark, DE), Stockbridge High School (Stockbridge, GA), George Washington High School (Chicago, IL), and Atlanta High School (Atlanta, LA) each have been granted $5,000 in technology products as recipients of the Lead2Feed Challenge Early Entry Drawing.

Will Leather Goods has donated over 3,000 Give Will backpacks to children of Cornerstone Schools and Vernor Elementary School. The donation is part of Will Leather Goods’ founder Will Adler’s mission to provide 500,000 backpacks to children in need by the year 2022.

Blue Shield of California Foundation has granted $7.6 million in efforts to improve the quality for healthcare and domestic violence services for the most vulnerable Californians.

A new study from Alignable shows small business philanthropy is on the rise. Small business owners are projecting to donate more to charity this year than years prior. The survey of U.S. small business owners shows that 47 percent plan to give more this year than they did last year, and 49 percent plan to donate the same amount, with 90% of donations going to support local causes.

News about people, groups

12.21.15 Sam RosenGift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation has elected MakeSpace Founder and CEO, Sam Rosen to serve on the Board of Directors.

The Alliance for Charitable Reform’s executive director, Sandra Swirski, has issued a statement regarding the release of a legislative package of tax provisions commonly referred to as tax extenders. The new provisions are the IRA charitable rollover, deduction for conservation easements, and the deduction for gifts of food inventory.

The HealthWell Foundation has launched a new fund to provide financial assistance to underinsured patients suffering from multiple myeloma. HealthWell will provide grants up to $10,000 to assist with copayment or premium costs.

The Corps Network has awarded the 2016 Corpsmember of the Year Award, Project of the Year Award, and Legacy Achievement Award. The Corps Network presents these three awards on an annual basis to select individuals and organizations from their membership of 120 Service and Conservation Corps across the country.

The House and Senate have agreed to a $1.1 billon package for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), which administers national service programs, a $40 million increase for CNCS from the last fiscal year.

SCS Global Services celebrates seven Forest Stewardship Council(R) (FSC) certification clients recently honored at the 2015 FSC Leadership Awards. Those include; Collins, GreenWood Resources, Herman Miller, Menomiee Tribal Enterprises, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Pioneer Millworks, and Rivanna Natural Designs.

On December 14th as part of an education speaker series, Ladies America hosted a call with Kinda Hibrawi from the Karam Foundation, an organization that was founded with a mission to help build a better future for Syria.

Brighton is donating 100% of the proceeds from the $20 holiday giving pouches they are selling in their stores to Little Kids Rock, a nonprofit that provides free musical instruments and popular music education to more than 215,000 inner city public school children nationwide. Brighton’s goal is to raise and donate $500,000 to Little Kids Rock this holiday season.

215 nonprofit organizations united together, under the National Council of Nonprofits, in calling on the Internal Revenue Service to withdraw a proposed regulation that would have charitable nonprofits collect and report donors’ Social Security numbers to the IRS, in an effort to protect donors from fraud and identity theft.

12.21.15 Pancreatic Cancer Action NetworkThe Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and the Patient Advocate Foundation have developed Know Your Tumor CareLine, a case management assistance program that helps pancreatic cancer patients navigate the process of accessing innovative therapies and clinical trials that match their molecular profile

The League of American Orchestras has launched The Ford Musician Awards for Excellence in Community Service, a new program supporting orchestra musicians and the essential work they do in their communities. The new program is made possible by the Ford Motor Company Fund and will be accepting applications until February 2016.

Maestro Cares Foundation‘s third annual “Changing Lives, Building Dreams” Gala will honor President Bill Clinton with the Global Humanitarian Award and F.J. Pollack the Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Award.

12.21.15 Perfect Golf Event ORIGINALPerfect Golf Event is wrapping up 2015 with a track record as a full-service resource for fundraising, charity and sponsored golf tournaments. Thousands of event organizers use Perfect Golf Event annually to organize, manage and promote their fundraising golf event. The $1 Million Luxury Shootout for Loyola Academy and GFA Ben Mintz Golf Outing fundraiser for Cornell University’s Football Association  displayed the ability to deliver a unique format that invigorates the event, creates maximum participation and, ultimately, generates the most funds for the organization.

News about opportunities, initiatives

XPRIZE launched the $7M Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, a global, three-year competition to challenge teams to accelerate breakthrough technologies for rapid and unmanned ocean exploration. This new XPRIZE is part of the foundation’s Ocean Initiative – a commitment to launch five multi-million dollar prizes by 2020 to address critical ocean challenges and inspire innovation that helps create an ocean that is healthy, valued and understood.

Thursday, January 7thSnapApp will host a webinar focused on marketing in the New Year with Lena Prickett and Vanessa Porter.

The International Women’s Media Foundation is seeking nominations for its three annual awards: the 2016 Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award, the Courage in Journalism Awards, and the Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominations are due in February.

The Sidney Hillman Foundation is now accepting nominations for the 2016 Hillman Prizes, which honor investigative journalism and commentary in the public interest. Winners exemplify sound news judgment, resourcefulness and courage in reporting, skilled storytelling and social impact. Deadline is January 30th, 2016.

12.21.15 Projects AbroadProjects Abroad will be offering three service programs in the New Year for those looking to volunteer internationally. The Disaster Relief Project, Care Management Plans, and School Vacation Programming are three efforts of Projects Abroad to aid children in developing countries.

12.21.15 KauzbotsKauzbots, the plush toy company dedicated to ethical giving, will allow consumers to teach children about advocacy this holiday season. With each purchase of a Kauzbot for a child, proceeds will be donated to a charity that the bot advocates for, raising awareness and teaching children about the act of giving.

Charity and Security Network will host a webinar on Thursday, January 7th featuring Vijaya Ramachandran, Tracey Durner, and Liat Shetret on bank de-risking with commentary from Scott Paul on the impact it has on the nonprofit sector.

The Women’s Entrepreneur Festival, will take place in NYC on April 13th-14th, 2016, to celebrate and support women entrepreneurs by creating a safe place to connect and be heard and share knowledge. Application deadline is February 1, 2016.

The Blue Ridge Institute is now accepting membership applications from community service leaders.  This leadership organization, founded in 1927, offers unique development opportunities that blend learning, leadership. and renewal for professionals across the nation.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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