How to Help Ukraine
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Sarah Dawn Petrin When you see images of people fleeing Ukraine, you may wonder, how can I help? Watching a war over television and social media can make you feel helpless, like there’s nothing you can do. But there is always...

Board Diversity as a Social Change Agent – Part 2: How to Open the Door
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jeb Banner, Boardable CEO This is the first in a two-part series from Jeb Banner about board diversity. You can read the first installation here. We’ve already established the reasons that board diversity is the...

How Nonprofits Can Stand Out and Receive Donations During the Holidays
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By David Seibert, Vice President of Missions & Ministries at The Lukens Company Giving tends to increase during the holiday season - that’s the good news for nonprofits. The not-so-good news is that for the months of...

Board Diversity as a Social Change Agent – Part 1: How It Works
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jeb Banner, Boardable CEO This is the first in a two-part series from Jeb Banner about board diversity. “Board diversity” is one of those buzz words you hear regularly in nonprofit circles. We all know the general reasons...

5 Questions to Answer Before You Call a Consultant
Before you pick up the phone – or send off that email –’s Heather Yandow shares five questions to ask yourself in order to make sure you are prepared to have a fruitful conversation with a potential consultant.

Transitions of Trailblazers (Part 3): Looking Back to Move Forward
The third in a multi-part series on the issues nonprofits face in transitioning leadership, Barbara Rady Kazan and Lynn S. Price discuss the emotions of leadership transitions and passing the torch.

4 Ways Grantmakers Can Streamline Reporting
Expenditure Responsibility creates a feedback loop that makes relationships to international organizations stronger, more transparent, and more rewarding. CAF America offers some tips to help you strengthen your reporting process, build relationships with your grantees, and increase your impact.

Volunteer Perspective – Industry Insights 2019: Results and Impact on the Nonprofit Sector
Sterling Volunteers presents, in partnership with VolunteerMatch, a study on the latest trends in volunteerism regarding screening, training, recruiting, retention, and more.

Capacity Building (Part 2): Three Activities Your Organization Needs
The second in a multi-part series on the issues nonprofits face in building capacity, Peter Gamache, PhD and Jackie Griffin discuss a few activities to help build your organization’s capacity.

Revealing the “Invisible” 98% of Private Foundations
Foundation Source latest annual report on private foundation clients with assets of less than $50 million provides reliable insight into these smaller players. Page Snow shares some of the report’s major findings.

Most Common Mistakes Associations Make with their Website
To ensure that your association website is not only beautiful, but also member-focused, MembershipWorks’ Amy Hufford shares common mistakes to keep in mind.

Transitions of Trailblazers (Part 2): From Inception to Separation
The second in a multi-part series on the issues nonprofits face in transitioning leadership, Barbara Rady Kazan and Lynn S. Price discuss the reasons and emotions behind leaders’ transitions out of their organizations.

Social Media Mistakes Nonprofits Make
With the rise of social media, nonprofit organizations have a greater opportunity to reach potential donors like never before, but may fall into a few strategic traps in the process.

Ensuring that Charitable Giving is Accessible to All Americans
Policymakers agree that the American spirit to give in support of our neighbors and communities should be easily accessible to all Americans, not just the wealthy. Calls are growing for a “universal tax deduction,” which would level the playing field for all taxpayers.