Rebuilding Civic Confidence in These Hard Times
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Richard C. Harwood In so many of the communities where I work, people are frustrated, dispirited and downright angry about broken promises and growing mistrust. This condition undermines our collective ability to get things...

Beyond the Mission: Instrumental Values of Nonprofit Organizations
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Iryna Kharlamova and Pat Sintavanon As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical...

Charitable Giving Seen As Subjective Decision Even In The Face Of Objective Information
By Shalina Omar When it comes to charitable giving, the heart rules the head. That’s what four researchers have found in a joint study on altruism and giving coming out of the London Business School, NYU Stern School of Business, the University of Chicago Booth School...

#RelationshipGoals: How to Build a Great Board/Executive Director Partnership
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Cyndee Patterson This is the second of four columns on how to develop a great nonprofit board. To read the first column, click here. One relationship in your nonprofit is more important than any other. It’s between your...

Social Media and the Nonprofit World in 2015
Since every piece of communication ultimately reflects upon the organization and its leaders, it makes sound business sense to understand how this medium is being employed, how it’s evolved and how best to exploit its strengths. And that understanding may take the form of a philosophical or strategic reassessment.

New Report on Management Tool Use
New Bridgespan poll reveals widespread use and growing interest in tools, but also highlights gaps between attitudes and actions.

Reveal Experts within Your Organization Using a Simple Tool
Disseminating expertise already inside your organization greatly improves performance.