Beyond RFM: The Key Insights Every Nonprofit Should Know
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Noah Barnett, Director of Research and Insights at Virtuous Anyone working for a nonprofit is probably familiar with the RFM model (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value) for analyzing donor activity and likelihood of future...

Using Charity Watchdogs to Your Advantage
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Holly Gabry and Andrew Slatter As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the fields we...

Looking Good
Present a Strong Brand and Watch Donations Increase Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Meghan Moloney Brands are everywhere you look, from the name on your computer to the food you’ll eat for lunch. A brand is more than a logo, color scheme or writing style. It’s...

Professional Development, What is it Good For? Absolutely Everything.
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Allison Plitman and Elizabeth Ruf As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the...

Impact of Mobile on Charitable Giving
Charitable giving through mobile devices allows for supporters to donate to their favorite organizations at their convenience, with the assurance that their funds are safe.

The Double Bottom Line of Skills-Based Volunteering
Nonprofit leaders must be adept at identifying and masterfully communicating the transformative impact of the skills-based volunteer’s work.

The Chair’s Leadership Role
Beginning your role as Chair of the board of a nonprofit with a clear plan for how you will address the exciting dynamics of your different constituents will serve you and your organization well.

Breaking Through Inefficient Decision-Making Processes in Nonprofits to Do More Good
Gaining clarity into how decisions are made, talking about obstacles and breaking through inefficiencies in the process will help move your organization forward in a far more meaningful way.

Transformational Philanthropy: The Value of a Corporate Culture of Service
A service of culture is driven by the expectation that leaders and employees are dedicated to more than the bottom line— that means making business decisions based on more just than the numbers. It is crucial that corporations find ways to nurture this kind of community devotion so that consumers don’t just survive— they thrive.

Capacity Challenges of the Arts
The arts are integral to healthy and vibrant communities. Arts organizations need to focus on those investments that build capacity and funders of the arts need to support capacity initiatives through multi-year funding commitment and including administrative overhead in project funding.

Fostering Healthy Communities Makes for Healthy Businesses
To identify the most effective strategies for a positive impact, companies can align their efforts with those who serve communities every day – local nonprofit organizations.

By Teens – For Teens: Make the Most of Marketing to Generation Z
With the right mix of storytelling, creativity and fun, engaging materials, this niche audience can nonprofits can effectively reach Generation Z to meet their communications goals.

Creating Job Descriptions that Work for You
Understanding the components of a great job description will help you meet your staffing needs. If you take the time to explore those needs, all of your job descriptions will become much more valuable tools for your organization.

What if Youth Employment is the Solution, Not the Problem?
As employers look to fill millions of jobs over the next few years, there are compelling business reasons for considering youth as a valuable source of talent. To address the challenges of youth employment, more efforts need to aim for scalable solutions that focus on employer needs.