The Rise of Giving: American Philanthropy in WWI

The Rise of Giving: American Philanthropy in WWI

Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jennifer Zoebelein, Ph.D. World War I was a devastating conflict that impacted both military forces and millions of civilians across the globe. Those communities caught in the war’s path suffered physical destruction...

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Moving Beyond Startup

Moving Beyond Startup

Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Chris Church and Luis Villa As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the fields we work...

Board Governance

Board Governance

Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Donella Wilson For nonprofits, an engaged board is crucial for effective governance, fundraising and mission alignment. Despite its importance, this year’s Green Hasson Janks Nonprofit Survey and Whitepaper, which annually...

Leveraging Market-Based Approaches

Leveraging Market-Based Approaches

Profit-making enterprises can help nonprofits generate revenue that covers program costs and keep focused on their mission.

Blending isn’t just a Kitchen Activity now

Blending isn’t just a Kitchen Activity now

The donor and their goals will establish the level of complexity of a Blended Gift Strategy. By determining a donor’s charitable intent, it can be relatively simple to analyze the options and generate the most effective blended gift path.

Making Stewardship Work for You

Making Stewardship Work for You

Developing and implementing a stewardship plan helps maintain relationships and engagement with existing donors, and it involves more than a simple “thank you.”