Empowering Diversity at Nonprofits
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Mari-Anne Kehler, Partner, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer, Green Hasson Janks Many nonprofits serve diverse communities, and it makes sense for their staff to be a reflection of community they serve. However, in a...

Why Gen Z is Compelled to Do Good
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Gregg L. Witt As Gen Z (born 1996 to 2011 approximately) age into the workforce and gain financial independence, non-profits will have to start to adapt their fundraising initiatives to fit the profile of these new potential...

Growing Your Social Donor Base
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kelly Velasquez-Hague The evolution of mobile technology, changing donor demographics, and the rise of social fundraising creates new challenges for nonprofits. Layer on retention rates that hover...

Win Big With Big Data: A Nonprofit’s Guide to Data Analytics
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Garrett Daniel and David Schlaseman As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to...

Corporate Philanthropy: Insiders Tips for Nonprofits
What do corporate funders look for in a potential funding partner? CareFirst offers several key strategies to enhance fundraising appeal.

Collective Impact: A Primer (Part 2)
While the theoretical foundation for Collective Impact is well-established, the evidence on how it can be done, and how it effective it can be, is emergent. However, Collective Impact holds great promise, and demonstrates greater potential for change compared with isolated efforts to address our most complex and adaptive social problems.

Lessons for State-Level Collaboration to Serve Across Generations
The Two-Generation approach builds well-being by working with families to create a solid and stable foundation through integrated, intensive, and high-quality services focusing on early childhood learning, elementary education, economic stability, and family engagement. Communities can largely benefit from a more strategic and direct approach to Two-Generation policy and practice at both the state and local levels.

Creating Change – A Brave Path Forward for Nonprofits
Never stop asking the hard questions of yourself and your organization. Embrace the change that will not only grow you as a person, but will grow your organization into a thriving nonprofit with a healthy culture that meets its mission and community needs.

Using Integrated Technology to Power Advocacy
With smart and integrated systems that talk to each other, organizations can take a holistic view of the individuals that make up their community to create deeper engagement and more successful advocacy campaigns.

Building a Resilient Organization – a Toolkit for Nonprofit Boards to Manage Transformational Change
While transformational events can arise from a wide breadth of causes and events, they all pose unique challenges to nonprofit organizations and require careful consideration of the risks in play and the right path forward.

For Nonprofits, Even Non-Finance ‘Capacity Grants’ Stimulate Financial Growth
NC State research finds that so-called “capacity grants” lead to long-term financial growth for nonprofit organizations – regardless of what the grants are for.

Collective Impact: A Primer (Part 1)
Collective impact comprises five core elements: common agenda, shared measures, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone report. How ready is your organization?

Automation: The Best Way to Optimize Your Nonprofit Communications Strategy for 2017
If you build it, they will come, but if you automate it, they will stay. How can your organization use marketing automation to reach the needs of your donors?

Individual Donor Benchmark Findings
Organizations may be asking themselves How can we increase retention, or how can we find more new donors to replace the donors we are losing each year? Here are a few tips to help you think about how to answer those questions.