Why Nonprofits Should Leverage a Cloud Financial Management Solution to Simplify Financial Processes for Growth
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kim Grider, CFO of the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Like many businesses, nonprofit organizations face extreme pressure to grow—but instead of focusing on profit generation, these organizations are working towards...

The “Lean” Nonprofit
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Ann Mei Chang When I first introduce the notion of lean approaches to leaders in the social sector, I often hear barely suppressed snickering. After all, nonprofits know of nothing but lean, as they operate under excruciatingly...

Study Finds Nonprofit Partnerships Can Help Solve Bureaucratic Tangles
By Matt Shipman Many nonprofit organizations steer clear of large, public-serving agencies due to concerns about becoming entangled in bureaucratic red tape. But new research suggests that some nonprofits may be able to better serve their constituents by partnering...

Swipe Right for Donors: How Building a Brand of Attraction Connects You to Long-Term, Loyal Donors
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Maryanne Dersch Do you ever feel like finding your dream donor is like finding a dream date? You go on lots of coffees and dinners only to realize it is not a match. And you worry you won’t find anyone. Or, you do go on a few...

Nonprofit Crowdfunding: A Chance to Go Viral
To be an effective crowdfunder, an organization should create a relatable story, make their impact clear, and visualize momentum for donors so that they act beyond their donation and create a viral movement.

Diversification of the Fundraising Profession: Nonprofits’ Role
Diversity and inclusion are no longer obstacles to be overcome. Instead, they should be viewed as an opportunity to reflect the diversity and richness in the communities served.

The Many Applications of Design Thinking
Design thinking is a flexible process with many applications for nonprofit practitioners. Design thinking, or human-centered design, is a creative, iterative approach to problem-solving that places humans at the center of the process.

Creating Change – A Brave Path Forward for Nonprofits Part 3
Change is not linear. It takes time, thought, and dedication to the process. A little patience with yourself, your team, and your organization can go a long way in moving forward.

Digital Fundraising in a Donor-centric World
There is a gap, and therefore an opportunity for nonprofits to capitalize on the US consumer shift to digital by turning their attention and budgets more squarely to online fundraising — especially digital advertising-driven giving.

Your Data Has a Culture Problem
The right culture accelerates the right use of data. By identifying your own organizational culture, you can adjust your data strategy to better fit your nonprofit’s already-existing habits and behaviors.

How Nonprofits Can Save on Benefits (and Still Maintain Healthy, Happy Employees)
Benefits can be a powerful and persuasive tool for employee retention in any industry. A good healthcare benefits package can maintain both the organization’s budget and the happiness and well-being of their dedicated workforce.

Now Is the Time for Donors to Support Maximum Advocacy: Here’s How
For donor organizations that care deeply about policy issues and want their contributions to make a real difference in legislation and policymaking, there are two main avenues for maximizing their support of advocacy: supporting 501(c)(4) nonprofits and making sure 501(c)(3) grantees take full advantage of their advocacy capacity.

Creating Change – A Brave Path Forward for Nonprofits Part 2
Creating change in an organization is a lot easier when the whole team is involved and committed to the process. By integrating a transformational framework individuals are empowered and teams come together to embrace change.

Top Four Metrics Your Nonprofit Should Start Tracking Right Now
Whether your nonprofit is monitoring for fundraising, marketing or operational needs, measuring data helps shine light on the areas your organization can actively work to manage and improve.