How Community Collaborations Can Build Your Nonprofit’s Credibility and Reach
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Peter Gamache, Ph.D. & Jackie Sue Griffin, MBA, MS, Turnaround Life, Inc. When you’re fighting for every new donation, the ability to reach more people matters. Social media can help, but nonprofits looking to scale might...

Transitions of Trailblazers (Part 4): Setting the Stage for Sustained Social Change
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Barbara Rady Kazdan and Lynn S. Price This is the fourth and last installment in a multi-part series from Barbara Rady Kazdan and Lynn S. Price on the issues nonprofits face in transitioning leadership. You can read the first...

Nonprofit Board Best Practices and the Fiduciary Responsibility
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Susan Teson, EVP and Chief Fiduciary Officer, UMB Bank A key ingredient for a nonprofit to be successful is solid board governance. This means balancing intellect, reputation, resource and access – and it also means exercising...

Five Digital Marketing Strategies for Nonprofits
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Matt Reid, CMO of EZ Texting The reality of running a nonprofit organization is that you’re limited on funds. You don’t have the marketing budget to throw money at a variety of tactics and hope one proves successful. Marketers at...

Using Charity Watchdogs to Your Advantage
An organization’s impact is ultimately measured by its progress towards their mission rather than its financial performance at a specific point in time. The insights shared when filing a well-crafted Form 990 and by providing appropriate additional insight can help reassure a donor that they should stay involved for the long haul.

Looking Good
Just as every person has a one-of-a-kind personality, every organization – from an international business to a grassroots nonprofit — has a brand. Rather than create a brand, pay attention to the brand your organization is already broadcasting to the public.

Professional Development, What is it Good For? Absolutely Everything.
By increasing professional development opportunities, the nonprofit sector can solve three critical challenges: societal image, employee retention and organizational strength. It’s a win-win.

Shared Services: A Model for Nonprofit Innovation and Collaboration
Collaboration can be beneficial, but each form of collaboration brings their own complexity and risks, time commitment and costs. An outside expert can help you think through the options and recommend solutions that have worked for other nonprofit organizations.

Valuing Your Volunteers
Recognizing your organization’s volunteers in a way that makes them feel valued and appreciated is more important than ever. Volunteer and program coordinators across the sector offer ways that they appreciate their volunteers.

Raising a Generous Generation
By involving your children in your charitable decisions and actions, you can give them the desire, confidence and skills they will need to extend your family’s commitment to “doing good” and “giving back” well into the future.

Beyond the Mission: Instrumental Values of Nonprofit Organizations
The more we understand and apply instrumental values, the more effective nonprofit leadership will be.

Charitable Giving Seen As Subjective Decision Even In The Face Of Objective Information
If the goal is to further the effective-altruism movement and maximize welfare, providing more information may not be enough to change how people choose to spend their money on charities. The key may lie in altering how people think about charity altogether.

#RelationshipGoals: How to Build a Great Board/Executive Director Partnership
The ED is the public face of your organization. The right one will get your board, staff, and volunteers revved up about what you do and how you contribute to the greater good.

Board Fundraising
Nonprofits with board members who are aware, equipped, and engaged will help keep funds flowing, and support sustainability of the organization.