Ensuring that Charitable Giving is Accessible to All Americans
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Susan N. Dreyfus and Brian Gallagher One of the hallmarks of the American spirit is our willingness to come together as a nation when any of us are facing life’s challenges. Whether we are responding to a national disaster,...

How to Quickly Mobilize a Fundraiser Following a Tragedy
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kelly Velasques-Hague This past year has seen no shortage of tragedies. From hurricanes to school shootings, the heartbreak and devastation leaves many wondering how they can help. These good intentions often motivate individuals...

Corporate Giving and Shared-Value Philanthropy
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Alec Gorynski, Vice President of Community Development and Corporate Philanthropy, First National Bank of Omaha Corporations and businesses are either starting or enhancing their community giving. According to the Giving in...

Keeping Up With The Mail
How often does this happen to you? You are in your office opening mail when the writing on an envelope catches your eye. Perplexed, you ask yourself, “Hmm, when did we start writing addresses like that?” Never? Mailing addresses in the United States have been written...

A Compliant State of Mind: Starting and Running a New York Nonprofit
Compliance plays an integral part to the sustained success of your organization. In this second post in a series on nonprofit compliance, the focus is on rules and regulations governing nonprofits in New York.

Compliance for North Carolina Nonprofits
Compliance plays an integral part to the sustained success of your organization. In this first post in a series on nonprofit compliance, the focus is on rules and regulations governing nonprofits in North Carolina.

Non-financial Support: What Is It, What Value Does It Add, and How Your Nonprofit Can Benefit
Support for non-government organizations typically stems from funding. However, the European Venture Philanthropy Association offers key advice on how to maximize value and benefit from non-financial support.

Neuromarketing in Fundraising
Sometimes in our messaging, on our websites, or in other forms, we are shouting “support for polar bears in the Sahara” and we don’t even realize it.

Universal Truths of Individual Donor Fundraising
Now in its third year of collecting national data, the Individual Donor Benchmark Project is starting to see some statistics stay steady. With these ‘universal truths’ of individual donor fundraising, you can strengthen your organization’s fundraising program.

Small Business Philanthropy on The Rise: What Nonprofits Can Learn From How Small Businesses Are Giving Back
Small and medium businesses and their owners give more charitably on a percentage basis than their corporate counterparts. With small businesses making up about 50 percent of the nation’s GDP, it’s important to shine the light on these overlooked entrepreneurs who understand the importance of giving back.

Fundraising Compliance
By staying compliant, your nonprofit will have the freedom to solicit funds in any state where you are registered, and will give your donors the complete confidence to support your mission.

Make the Most of #GivingTuesday All Year Long
#GivingTuesday can serve as much more than a day to simply collect donations. For organizations participating in #GivingTuesday, its impact and potential benefits stretch far beyond just one day.

In Doing Good, Use Your Head and Your Heart
The key to donating with kindness and intelligence is to identify the causes that you want to support, watch for transparency and entrepreneurship, and to find organizations that have demonstrated results. When you pay attention to these factors, your charitable gift not only comes from the heart, but from the head.

Building Trust With Donors Through Transparency
The holidays are the most important time of the year for giving, but also one of the most challenging. When nonprofits pursue year-end contributions to meet their fundraising goals, they’re grappling with the pressing concern, held by many in the general public, that the donations may not be put to good use. Liz Deering of 121Giving explains how to create a transparent, visible, and future for philanthropy.