Revealing the “Invisible” 98% of Private Foundations
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Page Snow It’s one of the great ironies of the private foundation sector: 98% of all private foundations in the U.S. have assets of less than $50 million each, and 67% have less than $1 million. Yet, despite their ubiquity, very...

Four Considerations for Collaborative Grants
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Daisy Mills and Shannon Rowe As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the fields we work...

Achieving Total Compliance: Seven Steps to Nonprofit Success
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Ifeoma Aduba Trust is important to organizations of all types, but it’s the lifeblood of a nonprofit. Every donation to your nonprofit is a vote of confidence and a leap of faith that the money will be managed carefully and...

Compliance for North Carolina Nonprofits
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By James Gilmer This piece is an updated version of the Compliance for North Carolina Nonprofits article that originally published in March 2016. Nonprofits are held to a high standard of government scrutiny, and for good...

Responsible Investing and Foundations
Whether it’s the place-based foundation looking to invest in “main street not wall street” or the national funder that’s divested from carbon and looking to what’s next, responsible investing tools and products could provide new avenues to accomplish these goals.

Blending isn’t just a Kitchen Activity now
The donor and their goals will establish the level of complexity of a Blended Gift Strategy. By determining a donor’s charitable intent, it can be relatively simple to analyze the options and generate the most effective blended gift path.

A Relevant Benchmark for Similar Nonprofits
When assessing development operations, two basic questions naturally arise: How does my nonprofit measure up compared to similar organizations? And: What should my organization do to imitate the highest-performing organizations in our area?

Informing and Inspiring the Next Generation of Strategic Donors
The next generation of donors want the opportunity to give with ease, with a sense of community, and with education in planning their donations. Donor-advised funding tools allow for everyday donors to have the same funding opportunities as big philanthropists.

Does Giving to Political Campaigns Have an Impact on Charitable Giving in the United States?
As we enter an election year, Blackbaud suggests taking a look at values-based political giving as a model for values-based charitable giving.

Donor-Centric Fundraising
Nonprofits are responding to a shift in consumer engagement combined with increased complexity of giving programs by placing the donor at the center of fundraising programs, crafting a great donor experience, and ensuring they focus seamlessly across the organization on the most valuable donors.

Push and Pull: Why Front-line Fundraisers Need On-Demand Access to Wealth Screenings
Reeher LLC, developers of the Reeher Platform, a shared fundraising management platform that is transforming the way colleges and universities raise money, has introduced a new best practice module – Donor Discovery™ – to further help higher education institutions fundraise more effectively.

Launching Your Own Prize?
Nonprofits are continuously in search for innovative ways to connect with their target audience and fundraise. Prize competitions can be a great way for nonprofits to engage with donors and build lasting relationships. Knowing the basics of prize competitions is key to a successful launch for your nonprofit.

Compliance Dreaming: Starting and Running a California Nonprofit
Compliance plays an integral part to the sustained success of your organization. In this third post in a series on nonprofit compliance, the focus is on rules and regulations governing nonprofits in California.

Successful Crowdfunding 101 – An Example of Successful Online Crowd Funding for Non-Profits
Crowdfunding can be an important tool for increasing a nonprofit’s annual budget. Julia Diegmann outlines the basics of successful crowdfunding strategies to help nonprofits garner their best financial support support.