Stretching Family Control Over Charitable Interests
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jeffrey D. Haskell, J.D., LL.M. Many families have either a charitable remainder trust (CRT) or charitable lead trust (CLT), which enables them to donate generously to their favorite charities while providing immediate tax...

Beyond RFM: The Key Insights Every Nonprofit Should Know
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Noah Barnett, Director of Research and Insights at Virtuous Anyone working for a nonprofit is probably familiar with the RFM model (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value) for analyzing donor activity and likelihood of future...

Making Nonprofit Revenue More Predictable
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Christopher Purdy According to Giving USA’s 2018 numbers, the $427.7 billion that Americans gave to charities in 2018 represented a slight increase over 2017 donations, although the inflation-adjusted total actually declined by...

4 Ways Grantmakers Can Streamline Reporting
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America) Foreign organizations are able to receive tax-effective charitable funding from the US if 1) the US grantor is able to make a good faith determination that the foreign...

5 Proven Strategies for Converting Volunteers to Donors
87% of volunteers say there is a relationship between their volunteer behavior and the causes they support financially.

What Traits do America’s Favorite Charities Share?
If you could only support one charitable organization, which organization would it be? Grey Matter dives in to find out what traits America’s favorite charities share.

Funding Innovation in the Nonprofit Sector
What can nonprofits do to bridge their resource gap and allocate, or secure, the funds to innovate? BDO’s Andrea Wilson offers four avenues toward innovation.

Three Questions Nonprofits Must Ask Corporate Sponsors
Strong partnerships are built through honest relationships and communications. In order to create this kind of relationship, nonprofits need to ask three questions of any potential funder before the relationship begins.

Major State Charitable Solicitation Deadlines are Approaching
By discussing proactive filing of Form 990 in this and future years with your tax preparer, your organization will be able to prevent last minute scrambling and effectively meet your state charitable solicitation renewal deadlines.

Using Charity Watchdogs to Your Advantage
An organization’s impact is ultimately measured by its progress towards their mission rather than its financial performance at a specific point in time. The insights shared when filing a well-crafted Form 990 and by providing appropriate additional insight can help reassure a donor that they should stay involved for the long haul.

Charitable Giving Seen As Subjective Decision Even In The Face Of Objective Information
If the goal is to further the effective-altruism movement and maximize welfare, providing more information may not be enough to change how people choose to spend their money on charities. The key may lie in altering how people think about charity altogether.

Board Fundraising
Nonprofits with board members who are aware, equipped, and engaged will help keep funds flowing, and support sustainability of the organization.

Four Considerations for Collaborative Grants
Collaborative grants possess the capacity to expand the scope of nonprofits by allowing agencies to creatively address issues in their communities through the linkage of resources and the alignment of missions.

Achieving Total Compliance: Seven Steps to Nonprofit Success
The research and paperwork required to keep up with government regulations can be daunting. Harbor Compliance’s Ifeoma Aduba offers resources to guide you along the path of starting and running a compliant nonprofit organization.