May 2017 – NC Grant News Roundup

May 29, 2017 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The NC Grant News Roundup is part of a new initiative for Philanthropy Journal. Each month we will publish a curated list of grant specific news for North Carolina.

The NC Grants Roundup can be a helpful tool when researching grant opportunities for your organization. For more tips read Becoming a “Grant Detective”: Best Practices for Grantseekers by Sarah Mann Willcox of the NC Network for Grantmakers.

News about grants, gifts

The Duke Energy Foundation  awarded The Hill Center in Durham, NC $15,000 to advance teacher training in the Durham Region, which includes teachers in Durham, Orange, Chatham, and Wake counties.

The family of a fifth-generation North Carolina company has made an $18 million gift to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s College of Arts & Sciences to more than double the size of Carolina’s nationally recognized undergraduate entrepreneurship program. 

SAFE of Transylvania County was awarded $100,000 over two years to develop a Family Justice Collaborative and hire a Victim Navigator.

DHIC, Inc. received a FY17 flexible grant of $436,500 from the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, dba NeighborWorks America, to support affordable housing development and HUD-approved homebuyer counseling programs.

Susan G. Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast awarded a total of $350,000 for 9 grants to local nonprofits to support breast health services and education projects for the under-served, under-insured and uninsured populations in a 29-county service area.

Duke Energy Foundation will award $50,000 to support efforts by Bat Conservation International to address major threats to bats including the deadly fungal disease, White-nose Syndrome.

The Lee County Community Foundation established the Holzwarth Family Endowment, which will benefit the Jonesboro United Methodist Church, the Christian United Outreach Center and the Salvation Army Sanford Service Center.

MiracleFeet received a $5 million grant from the Oak Foundation over five years to help end the disability caused by untreated clubfoot in low-income countries.

Carolinas HealthCare System received a surprise community challenge gift from the Leon Levine Foundation of $1 million.

Women’s Impact Fund granted a combined $440,000 to the Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation, Matthews Free Medical Clinic, ourBRIDGE for KIDS, Supportive Housing Communities and WINGS for Kids, Inc. This brings the total number of grants given by the organization to 64 and a collective contribution of more than $5 million to address critical needs in the community.

Trustees of The Duke Endowment in Charlotte approved $18.2 million in 35 new grants to organizations in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership are partnering with IBM to sponsor two Wake County Public School System educators as 2017–18 Kenan Fellows.

The Golden LEAF Board of Directors  awarded over $30.8 million in grants since January 1st. The bulk of the grant awards assisted North Carolinians recovering from Hurricane Matthew and other disasters and through the Foundation’s Community-Based Grantsmaking Initiative.

The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation established the Darryl Hunt Memorial Scholarship – a scholarship fund set up at The Winston-Salem Foundation in the amount of $100,000, to honor the life and legacy of Darryl Eugene Hunt.

WakeEd Partnership is accepted applications for the 2017-18 Teacher Innovation Grants. This year’s deadline to apply was May 15th.

The Biogen Foundation’s “Ignite the Power of STEM” program awarded more than $125,000 in 39 grants to support science education programs and projects in schools across North Carolina. The program was administered by the North Carolina Community Foundation.

The Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership received a $100,000 charitable grant from GSK to support four 2017–18 Kenan Fellows from elementary schools in Orange County Schools and the Wake County Public School System.

News about grant opportunities

The Orange County Arts Commission will host one annual grant cycle in the spring, instead of two cycles in the spring and fall. The 2017 Grassroots Grant cycle opened April 3 and will close June 2. Awardees will be notified by August 1.

ArtsGreensboro is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Betty Cone Medal of Arts, the most prestigious local award presented to artists. Nominations for the medal, including up to four letters of support, are due to ArtsGreensboro no later than 5 pm on Wednesday, May 31st.

Note from the editor: The preceding is part of a new initiative for Philanthropy Journal. Each month we will publish a curated list of grant specific news for North Carolina. For weekly grant updates, please check NC Nonprofit News

If you are interested in having your organization featured in the next NC Grants Roundup, please send announcements or press releases to

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