February 2018 – NC Grants Roundup

Feb 26, 2018 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The NC Grants Roundup can be a helpful tool when researching grant opportunities for your organization. For more tips read Becoming a “Grant Detective”: Best Practices for Grantseekers by Sarah Mann Willcox of the NC Network for Grantmakers. News about grants, gifts All Babies and Children Thrive (ABC Thrive) was established by a $2 million gift from Duke alumna […]

The NC Grants Roundup can be a helpful tool when researching grant opportunities for your organization. For more tips read Becoming a “Grant Detective”: Best Practices for Grantseekers by Sarah Mann Willcox of the NC Network for Grantmakers.

News about grants, gifts

All Babies and Children Thrive (ABC Thrive) was established by a $2 million gift from Duke alumna and trustee Laurene Meir Sperling and her husband, Scott M. Sperling, through the Sperling Family Charitable Foundation. The Bass Connections Challenge at Duke will add $1 million in matching funds for a total of $3 million.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina has awarded a grant in the amount of $250,000 to Leadership North Carolina (LNC) to increase participation from rural communities and underrepresented groups in future LNC cohorts. 

The NC GreenPower Solar School program Pilot Year Four launched on January 2nd. Any North Carolina K-12 school may apply for our matching grant opportunity to receive a 3-5 kW solar array, complete with a weather station, real-time monitoring, curriculum and training for teachers. Applications are due February 28th.

The V Foundation for Cancer Research has named the recipients of the BRCA Research Collaborative Grants, through its partnership with the BRCA Foundation and the Gray Foundation. The grants, totaling $7.5 million, will support research by: Judy Garber, M.D., MPH, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Fiona Simpkins, M.D., University of Pennsylvania; Karlene Cimprich, Ph.D., Stanford Cancer Institute; Roger Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; and Tony Huang, Ph.D., New York University School of Medicine.

Stokes County Arts Council received a $100,000 Joy W. Pope Memorial Grant in the Arts to complete phase two of construction of The Arts Place of Stokes, a multi-purpose community arts facility.

The Golden LEAF Foundation will provide a $10.8 million grant to Vidant Medical Center‘s new cancer center in Greenville. The money will fund major equipment inside the new bed tower that’s nearing completion.

The Durham Arts Council awarded 2018 Ella Fountain Pratt Emerging Artists Grants to 16 individuals.

North Carolina PTA has named its 2017-2018 Healthy Schools Grant Winners. The projects funded vary from unit to unit and include school gardens and facility improvements. 

Anson County Schools received a $950,000 grant from the Golden LEAF Foundation to implement a STEM program at Anson Middle School. Funding from the grant will be used to purchase equipment, as well as fund staff positions needed to implement programs.

Hospitality House of Charlotte will kick off its 4th Annual “Queen City Corporate Challenge” fundraising campaign on February 15. Sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, the campaign will run through March 22, 2018 and challenges participating corporate executives in the Charlotte area to raise funds for families experiencing medical crisis. The Leon Levine Foundation will provide a challenge match of $20,000 should Hospitality House of Charlotte meet its campaign goal of $85,000.

The Winston-Salem Foundation awarded 21 Community Grants totaling $428,876 in January. Grants were awarded to organizations in the following program areas: arts and culture, community and economic development, health, human services, public interest, and recreation.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is supporting A Place at the Table in Raleigh to provide meals to all, regardless of ability to pay. Blue Cross NC’s contribution will provide 20 fresh, healthy meals per day for 365 days to those in need, as well as assist with upfront operational expenses.

Triangle Community Foundation raised $150,330 from their fundholders through their Giving Together initiative in addition to a $75,000 commitment of their own discretionary funding to total $225,330 granted in additional dollars to past nonprofit partners in their Community Development (housing, health, employment) focus area.

The University of North Carolina School of the Arts received a gift of $3 million to support merit-based scholarships in the School of Music. The planned gift was made by an anonymous donor as part of an estate plan, and it represents one of the largest single gifts in the history of the School of Music.

The School of Music at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts also received a gift of $1 million from the estate of artist and philanthropist Jenny Lillian Semans Koortbojian, daughter of school founders, advocates and benefactors Dr. James H. Semans and Mary D.B.T. Semans, to endow merit-based scholarships.

The Winston-Salem Foundation awarded $46.3 million to charitable causes in 2017, $2.9 million of which was in Community Grants to local nonprofits. In January, the Foundation awarded $428,876 in Community Grants to 20 nonprofit organizations.

Triangle Community Foundation is currently accepting proposals for Environmental Conservation Grants.

North Carolina institutions that hold collections relevant to North Carolina’s history and culture may be eligible to participate in a grant-funded program to digitize the materials.  A grant recently awarded to the State Historical Records Advisory Board and the State Archives of North Carolina by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission provides for the transport, scanning, and online publishing of North Carolina historical records and archival materials through a partnership with the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center.

News about grant opportunities

Foundation For The Carolinas (FFTC) has opened the 2018 Longleaf Fund grant cycle, awarding capital grants in select cities in North and South Carolina. FFTC is accepting applications from eligible organizations in and serving Charlotte, Fayetteville and Rocky Mount in NC, and Spartanburg and Florence in SC.

Nominations for The Winston-Salem Foundation Award and The ECHO Awards are due Friday, February 23 at 5:00 pm.

Applications are now available for the Susan G. Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast Passing the Promise Race Registration and Transportation Grant. The grant is awarded to 501(c)(3) nonprofit community organizations in North Carolina.

Duke surplus property will be donated to area non-profits from January through March between 2:00pm – 3:00pm on the  Mondays and Thursdays at 100 Golden Drive in Durham. Availability of items is first-come, first-served.

The deadline to apply for The Community Foundation of Henderson County’s Pisgah Chapter of Trout Unlimited William L. Arbuckle Memorial Scholarship is April 1st. Applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in the field of fisheries and wildlife management, aquaculture, freshwater biology, or other related fields.

Nonprofit organizations in Alexander, Caldwell and Catawba counties seeking grant funding from the North Carolina Community Foundation are invited to participate in a free granteekers workshop. The workshop will take place Tuesday, Feb. 27th, at 1:00 p.m. at the Catawba Valley Community College Business and Industries in Hickory.

Note from the editor: The preceding is part of a new initiative for Philanthropy Journal. Each month we will publish a curated list of grant specific news for North Carolina. For weekly grant updates, please check NC Nonprofit News

If you are interested in having your organization featured in the next NC Grants Roundup, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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