Earthquake in Turkey is only the latest tragedy for refugees
News about grants, giftsBy MEHMET GUZEL, FAY ABUELGASIM and TANYA TITOVA Associated Press ANTAKYA, Turkey (AP) — When war broke out in Ukraine, Aydin Sisman's relatives there fled to the ancient city of Antakya, in a southeastern corner of Turkey that borders Syria....

Empower Women, Eliminate Racism
[Recorded on International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2022] Craig Martin – Co-Host The Good RoadWe haven’t known each other long but everything about you inspires me. Tell me about the passion you have for your music and your community, why am I so inspired? Rupa Murthy,...

It’s Time to Talk About AAPI Mental Health
Photo: Courtesy of CASL A Chinese American Service League employee meets with a client. Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Abbey Eusebio To put it plainly, the last couple years have not been good for the Asian American Pacific Islanders community members’ mental...

High Impact Investing for the Planet
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Amanda de Luis Mexican monarch butterflies in the region of Michoacán and sesame farmers in the Oaxaca area would agree that Laura Ortiz Montemayor has been one of the most important members in a big team who has helped them to...

Finding Good Information
The exchange of information and sharing stories has played a significant role in the understanding and awareness of mental illnesses. When it comes to patient care, more is always better. One can’t have too much information.

Bridging the Gap: Healthcare Workers Visit Curamericas Global’s Newest Casa Materna
Since 1983, Curamericas Global has reached over 1.4 million people in seven countries, including the United States. Curamericas Global’s approach saves vulnerable women and children by establishing local partnerships and delivering effective, self-sustained programs that respond to clear needs and gaps in the community.

Smarter Investments to Improve Oral Health
A study commissioned by DentaQuest reveals an agreement within the dental community on the importance of preventative care and framing oral health as a social issue.

Navigating Complexity, Building Trust
Please enjoy this piece on Missouri Health Connection from October 2017: Working with a commodity such as health information data requires a lot of trust. By building trust within their community, Missouri Health Connection has become a national leader in the Health Information Exchange space.

Building A Legacy Through Focus, Skill, and Effort
Since their inception in 2014, Mission K9 Rescue has grown exponentially. Hard work, a robust social media presence, partnerships, and complete transparency, are just a few of the reasons they continue to grow and thrive.

Painting a Picture and a Photo for Philanthropy
How do you take a photograph that has impact, that might move people to take action to support and organization? Carol J. Walker of the Wild Horse Freedom Federation shares how her photography has helped save lives.

More Than Just A Vision
Southeastern Guide Dogs is not content with just the status quo. With a vision to be the best, they are making strides towards truly reaching to be the best that they can be.

Saving Place
Charged with leading a turnaround that would expand effectiveness while building on the organization’s strong conservation legacy, the National Audubon Society has become one of the most effective conservation networks in the country under David Yarnold’s leadership.

New and Strategic Approaches Lead to Winning Results
When you focus on what is important in communities it can lead to winning results. Oceana’s Jacqueline Savitz shares how their bipartisan grassroots approach has made offshore drilling a hot-button issue that is avoided by politicians who seek coastal support.

Forging Powerful Clean-Energy Partnerships
In today’s world, nonprofits and corporates are looking to take a more active role in solving societal issues and challenges. Both GRID Alternatives and Wells Fargo are focused on helping people and communities succeed in a sustained and sustainable way.