Reining Them In
By Sandy Cyr Around midnight one evening several years ago, Caitlin Gooch decided to look up the literacy rates in her area. She landed on a website that listed reading and math scores by demographics for every single school in her state. At each school she clicked...
Collaborative Philanthropy Magnifies the Impact of Marine Giving
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Anisa Kamadoli Costa and Ann Colley Protecting and restoring the health of the earth’s oceans is a major challenge, but our foundations – The Tiffany & Co. Foundation and The Moore Charitable Foundation – are encouraged...
Diamonds in the Rough
By Matthew Harvey Community Development Corporations (CDCs) are somewhat ubiquitous nonprofits. In 2006, The Democracy Collaborative’s Community-Wealth.org project estimated that the number of CDCs within the United States was in...
A Scalable Model for Community Engagement
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kelly Brooks In 2011, I was searching for a way to plug into my community in Charlotte, NC and found it very difficult to navigate the many nonprofits and initiatives. I remember thinking, if I’m having these problems,...
Partnerships For Sustaining Income Equality
Nontraditional Employment for Women prepares, trains, and places women in careers in the skilled construction, utility, and maintenance trades, helping women achieve economic independence and a secure future. At the same time, NEW provides a pipeline of qualified workers to the industries that build, move, power, green and maintain New York.
Combating the Stigma of Mental Illness through Employment
Coyote TaskForce Inc. strives to combat the prevalent societal stigma associated with mental illness by reintegrating individuals living with mental illness into the working population.
Playing the Long Game
While the scope of the work that MDC does is vast, ultimately what it does is identify people and communities in need, and then align resources and infrastructure in order for the people and communities to be successful. In working with leadership, infrastructure and institutions, MDC is making permanent change in institutions or systems that will continue long after they are gone.
Partnering with Communal Knowledge to a Create Safe Space
To see the positive outcomes of diversity and adapt to an increasingly-globalized society, Roanoke-based Local Colors works with local police and cultural groups to create a safe space and welcoming environment for all.
A Niche and a Need: Where Only You Can Affect Change
The key to ensuring the longevity of a group like Accountability Counsel is making sure you have the expertise required to meet the unique need you serve. An organization can’t be distracted by the numerous demands people want them to address. The key is to find your focus, learn it through and through, and commit to change in that specific area.
Legal Relief for Job Seekers with Criminal Records
One serious economic barrier facing Legal Aid clients is the fact that 1 in 5 North Carolinians have a criminal record, which means they are effectively shut out of the job market. With the growing interest in criminal justice reform, an investment in relief from collateral consequences now would pay huge dividends in the future.
Changing the World, One Injustice at a Time
Investigative journalism has saved lives, changed laws, altered the way governments and corporations conduct business, and has brought to light some of the world’s darkest secrets for millions of people.
Reshaping the Dominant Narrative of Masculinity
Men Can Stop Rape aims to shift the culture of sexual assault from risk reduction to prevention by changing how men see themselves within the dialogue of sexual violence. When men can see the role that they can play in reducing violence, preventing sexual assault, and reshaping gender norms, they can empower themselves and others.
Listening to the Voiceless
By uniting the work of child protective services, law enforcement, prosecutors, mental health clinician and medical professionals, Safe Shores is able to offer compassionate, comprehensive services to children and their families by focusing on lessening the anxiety and stress and the loss of control.
Giving Medical Researchers Unprecedented Freedom Yields Groundbreaking Results
Sometimes the greatest scientific innovations aren’t the result of a new finding in a lab, but rather, the very way the research itself is directed – or not directed. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s goal is to support “people, not projects,” and it has yielded some dramatic results.