Art as a Tool for Transformation and Healing
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Sheila Darcey Every morning, I sketch. I sketch to express the emotions I’m feeling each day. The emotions that used to overwhelm me, but now underline the punctuated narrative of a new visual language. I call it SketchPoetic, a...
Transformation Together: The Journey of StepUp Parents and Their Children
As the Philanthropy Journal moves through a second cycle of our editorial calendar, we will periodically republish articles from our archive. Please enjoy this piece on StepUp Ministry that first published in March 2017. Special to the Philanthropy Journal By...
Justice Derived from Faith
By Cara Lewis Jennifer Copeland is in her fourth year as Executive Director for the NC Council of Churches. Previously a United Methodist Chaplain at Duke University, she taught undergraduate and divinity school classes, served on committees and task forces, and...
Getting Their Internal House in Order: A Day of Conversation Prepares Clergy to Help Congregants Face End of Life Issues
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Ann B McClenahan, ThD “End of life issues in many ways is like the North Star of Pastoral care.” That was the insight Dr. Phillip Mamalakis of the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology shared with the 150 people who...
The Good People Fund: Helping Fledgling Nonprofits Thrive
The Good People Fund uses a mentorship approach that focuses on the benefit of counsel and advice. The Fund’s goal is to develop a deeply personal relationship with grantees in order to create true partnerships for doing good.
The Sky’s the Limit with Engaged Philanthropy
All organizations can leverage the human capital and professional expertise of their supporters and create powerful opportunities for engaged philanthropy within their organizations.
The Cultural Agility Leadership Lab: A Turnkey Provider of International Corporate Volunteerism Programs
International volunteerism programs, when well designed, align with corporate social responsibility goals; accelerate strategic growth and innovation; and attract, engage, and develop talent. Through short-term volunteer assignments, CALL volunteers build capacity for NGOs while developing their own cultural agility—a true “win-win.”
Community Foundations as Conveners: Stepping Up By Stepping Back
The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro manages more than $220 million in assets through 650 component funds. Its mission is to promote philanthropy, build and maintain a permanent collection of endowment funds and serve as a trustworthy partner in addressing emerging community needs.
Place Matters.
Every community has its own set of challenges, resources and needs. There isn’t one blanket solution that will transfer across communities, so it is imperative to the success of Place Matters that it is resident-led and addresses the priorities determined by the residents.
Nonprofits Have an Edge in Cutting Through Media Clutter, Making News
MedShadow Foundation’s search for new media platforms provides a compelling example of how over time, public relations can build brand recognition and organization awareness.
Taking a Step Back: Understanding North Carolina’s Changing Landscape
As an institution that is dedicated to improving the quality of life of all North Carolinians, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation sees the need for listening to communities as the only way forward.
Bringing Youth to the Table: A Force for Environmental Change
Earth Force’s mission is to engage young people as active citizens who improve the environment and their communities now and in the future. Through Earth Force, young people get hands-on, real-world opportunities to practice civic skills, acquire a deep understanding of the environment, and develop the motivation to become leaders in addressing community issues.
Experiencing Places: Building a Community of Designing Professionals
The Society for Experiential Graphic Design is a multidisciplinary community of professionals who plan and build experiences that connect people to place. Through education initiatives, access to information, and outreach, the organization is growing what it means to design space.
Our Sahan: In Search of a United Oregon
Unite Oregon approaches the problems that all Oregonians face from the inside out, developing ties across rural and urban communities through the issues that affect them all.