Try Again Next Year
By Sandy Cyr Nonprofit work is hard. Practitioners often pour their heart and soul into the work, wearing multiple hats within an organization for salaries that are more often than not lower than comparable positions within the private sector. When funders focus on...

Starting Up Change
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Julie Menter Grassroots activists and frontline organizers have responded to the election of President Trump in remarkably innovative ways—building technology, media, and movements to protect vulnerable populations and uphold...

Shop, Get Rebates, Grow the Economy
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Vicki Pozzebon On any given day in Newark, New Jersey, if you’re lucky enough to be there, you might find yourself in the middle of a cash mob of local shoppers looking to help raise the profile of a local business and get some...

Honoring a Life Well-Lived
By Krystin Gollihue When the face of the average person changes, so too must our memorialization practices. That’s what the Funeral Service Foundation has learned in over 70 years of service, that in order to honor a life well lived, funeral service professionals must...

Measuring Success with Veteran Participation
Veterans often do better acclimating themselves to civilian life when they participate in daily activities. Team Red, White, and Blue (Team RWB)’s recent study supports these findings that proved veterans who connect to their communities, have enriched lives.

The American Council of the Blind and the Policy of Structured Negotiations
Through the implementation of accessible prescription labeling via structured negotiation, the American Council of the Blind achieved a victory, not only assisting the growing pool of individuals impacted by vision loss, but also in addressing the enormous costs confronting society in dealing with an aging population.

Secrets to Survival
As the times and the needs of older adults have changed during the last 200 years, so has Ralston Center. Their programs are intricately woven in to the fabric of the communities they serve.

Warrior Canine Connection: Harnessing the Human-Animal Bond to Promote Healing
Warrior Canine Connection empowers Veterans to train service dogs that will help other service members, making a connection between animals and humans that helps heal.

Embracing ‘Sister-Spirit’ to Create a More Just World
NETWORK, a Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace. By aligning their values with their advocacy, they create an inclusive “Sister-Spirit” that involves all in the fight for economic and social transformation.

Youth Grantmakers: Shaping the Future of Leadership and Philanthropy
Engaging youth in nonprofit work infuses their unique energy into the process, invites fresh perspectives on crucial issues, and empowers future leaders with the tools they need to remain active changemakers throughout their lives.

Changing urban lives one machine at a time: The Manufacturing Connect Story
Manufacturing Renaissance’s Manufacturing Connect program is a success story that represents promising practice in building private/public partnerships in public education, in linking reform in education to the economic development of a community, and in offering multiple pathways of success particularly for those students that come from troubled school districts.

Social Justice: Freeing the Wrongly Convicted
Wrongful convictions happen more often than we realize and for reasons most of us cannot envision. Centurion takes on the challenges of working to free wrongly convicted people who would likely die in prison without the organization’s advocacy.

Improving the Democratic Dialogue
The Congressional Management Foundation is a nonpartisan organization that focuses on the process in the democratic dialogue. Their mission is to create a more accountable, transparent and effective Congress, as well as a better informed and more engaged citizenry.

Broadening the Conversation
The issues that Strong Towns addresses—things like municipal finance, suburban development, and transportation—tend to by highly partisan. By speaking and writing about them in non-partisan terms, political gaps between readers and listeners grow smaller, and the movement grows bigger.