No 2nd Chances for People Like Us
Text By: Anthony Gomez, Angel DeJesus & Craig MartinCraig Martin, Co-Host The Good Road So, guys, Anthony…Angel, thank you so much for coming out and hanging with me. We're going to have some good Cuban food, not Puerto Rican food, but you know, it's close enough,...

Dontrese Brown Q&A Photo Essay
Text By: Dontrese Brown & Craig Martin Photographs By: Kimberly FrostIn memory of Representative John Lewis and Arthur Ashe Louisville to RichmondCraig Martin, Co-Host The Good Road Dontrese, we're out there at the VMFA [Virginia Museum of Fine Art] on a very...

Really Becoming America
By North Carolina Black Alliance staff A NATION ON THE VERGE OF BECOMING Increased attacks on voting rights, ramped up gerrymandering, the January 6th insurrection, and the endless stream of videos of unarmed Black and Brown men and women killed in unjustified police...

Reining Them In
By Sandy Cyr Around midnight one evening several years ago, Caitlin Gooch decided to look up the literacy rates in her area. She landed on a website that listed reading and math scores by demographics for every single school in her state. At each school she clicked...

Holistic and Intentional: The Path to Building Nonprofit Leaders
As the Philanthropy Journal moves through a second cycle of our editorial calendar, we will periodically republish articles from our archive. Please enjoy this piece on the Rainier Valley Corps that first published in October 2016. By Krystin Gollihue When Vu Le,...

Shining Example of a Public-Private Partnership
Every organization wants a culture of philanthropy, but there are few who truly understand and embrace the work needed to create it. With a heavy emphasis on building relationships, and fostering an environment that encourages sharing connections and celebrating each new supporter, the Greensboro Science Center has become a place where donors wanted to be, even leading individual supporters to approach them to be included.

Using Data to Boost Capacity and Impact for Youth
This is an exciting time for our work. EMCF recently announced an update to its limited life strategy and reaffirmed its commitment to finding a path for PropelNext’s to live on beyond the life of the Foundation. We believe that PropelNext has the potential to become a vehicle for other foundations and philanthropists who are dedicated to fostering and supporting the next generation of nonprofit leaders. In many ways, we’re just getting started.

Building a True Democracy
Common Cause North Carolina knows the ultimate power in our democracy is the people. Comprised of fearless, ordinary Americans standing together to build a system that works for everyone. It starts with putting an end to gerrymandering, limiting the undue influence of money in elections, encouraging broad voter participation, and ensuring diverse, accessible, and accountable government. Ultimately, every person matters.

No Sides, Only Love
There is far less that divides us than the things that make us all human. Encircle gives youth a place they can come every day to feel respected and loved.

Leveling the Playing Field in STEM for Underrepresented Youth
Please enjoy this piece from our archives that first published in September 2016. To help break the cycle of generational poverty, educational programming focused on STEM initiatives aims to foster academic excellence and create a pipeline to college for young scholars. Level Playing Field Institute utilizes STEM to eliminate barriers for students of color by creating a curriculum that fosters social justice, sustainability, and research.

Creating a Space for Youth to Find (and Be) Themselves
The Magic City Acceptance Center provides resources and support for Birmingham’s LGBTQ youth.

Interrupting Systemic Oppression
People should be able to be themselves fully in their home communities, feeling not only safe to do so but sensing complete belonging as well.

55 Years Later, The Lawyers’ Committee Continues the Fight for Justice
The Lawyers’ Committee has been a strong player in the enforcement of civil rights and a vocal source of information and education about the need and justification for the protections of minorities and the importance of the rule of law. While it has many accomplishments, there is still much more to be done.

This is the America we Vow to Change
The definition of what it means to be American is to struggle and mold this country into what we know it can be. Muslim Women For is just one piece of that struggle to push the needle a bit forward.