Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Keefe Harrison While society has historically relied on government and nonprofits to create solutions for our largest challenges like hunger, social injustice, and climate change, our current administration appears to have...
News about grants, gifts The Golden LEAF Foundation will allocate the remaining $14,347,101 in Disaster Recovery Program funding received from the North Carolina General Assembly after last year’s hurricane and tropical storms. The $55 million appropriated to Golden...
News about grants, gifts The Parkinson’s Foundation has awarded $60,000 in grants to fund six innovative research projects that involve people living with Parkinson’s disease. The awards, the first of their kind in the Parkinson's community, support patient-scientist...
News about grants, gifts The American Heart Association’s 2017 Winston-Salem Heart & Stroke Walk raised more than $500,000 on November 11th for heart disease and stroke research and prevention education. Ronald McDonald House Charities of NC recently granted...
News about grants, gifts Central Scholarship awarded Richard Whitfield a career and technology training scholarship to attend the North American Trade School in Baltimore. Sugarlands Distilling Company will team up with the Appalachia Service Project to...
As the Philanthropy Journal begins a new cycle on our editorial calendar, we will periodically republish articles from our archive. Please enjoy this piece on the Allergy & Asthma Network from October 2015. By Jordan Smith “No one ever told me that my child would...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Cathy Gatchel, Vice President of Development and Marketing: The Honeywell Foundation In January 2017, The Honeywell Foundation was faced with a seemingly insurmountable challenge: Raise more than $15 million in a...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Ann Lassiter “I got my blue eyes from my mother!” “Greg gets his great sense of humor from his father.” “Everyone in my family is tall.” At family gatherings during the holiday season, you often hear comments like...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Charles-Edouard Catherine More than one million children around the world are born with congenital heart conditions every year. In the U.S., these conditions are highly treatable with access to some of the best healthcare,...
By Sandy Cyr As social beings, connecting with one another is essential for our health and wellness. Spending time with people and maintaining positive relationships yield many physical and emotional benefits. But what if you are unable to connect with others who have...