Reduced Income Tax Is Just the Beginning Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Jeffrey D. Haskell, Chief Legal Officer, Foundation Source In addition to the many philanthropic reasons a donor might have for establishing a private foundation, there are also short-term...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Maryanne Dersch Do you ever feel like finding your dream donor is like finding a dream date? You go on lots of coffees and dinners only to realize it is not a match. And you worry you won’t find anyone. Or, you do go on a few...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Gregg L. Witt As Gen Z (born 1996 to 2011 approximately) age into the workforce and gain financial independence, non-profits will have to start to adapt their fundraising initiatives to fit the profile of these new potential...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kelly Velasquez-Hague The evolution of mobile technology, changing donor demographics, and the rise of social fundraising creates new challenges for nonprofits. Layer on retention rates that hover...
Special to Philanthropy Journal By Eric Burger It is no secret that volunteers provide nonprofits with quantifiable value. According to an Independent Sector study, a volunteer hour in 2018, is estimated to be worth $24.69. The hours that volunteers commit help...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Ron Sellers If you could only support one charitable organization, which organization would it be? Would you favor a large organization, or a small one? One that is faith-based, or not? One that works globally, nationally, or...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Andrea Wilson What is a safe and cost-effective way to transport vaccines to children in developing countries? Many life-saving vaccines and antiretrovirals need to be stored in specific temperatures and conditions difficult to...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Keefe Harrison Every nonprofit’s survival depends on having enough resources to solve the problem the organization was created to address. With the federal government taking an increasingly smaller role in solving social and...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By James Gilmer Nonprofit organizations and their tax preparers are gearing up for a busy season. In addition to the November 15th federal deadline for Form 990, many organizations are rushing to complete independent financial...
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Holly Gabry and Andrew Slatter As a land-grant university, NC State is committed to providing students hands-on, highly-engaged learning opportunities AND to providing research that is of direct, practical use to the fields we...