Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Michelle Caldeira There are nearly 11,000 youth development nonprofits in the U.S. Each one is competing for financial, political, and social support for their important work. College Bound Dorchester (CBD), a Boston nonprofit...
The Importance of Listening to the Experts
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kylie Schuyler In the nonprofit sector, creating meaningful solutions is essential for success. Partnering with others - particularly academics and industry experts - can be extremely valuable in helping to advise, provide...
Connecting Youth to Leadership and Farming
By Sandy Cyr In South Central Pennsylvania, almost every person is one step removed from a backyard garden. The area is known for its Pennsylvania Dutch culture and strong agrarian roots. Most people can get to someone in their family tree who raised food for profit...
Youth Developing Youth: A Teen-Powered Nonprofit Molding Gen Z Volunteers
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Brooke and Gracelyn Leath Your teenage years are such a transitional time. Even without the typical teenage drama, the fact is you’re stuck between wanting to be a kid, but also wanting to have the freedom of an adult. While we...
Putting Parkinson’s on the Ropes
By David Mueller With over one million people diagnosed in the United States alone and no cure in sight, Parkinson’s disease is truly a fearsome opponent. However, people living with the disease across the country and around the world are discovering an unusual and...
Kayak Fishing Brings Them Back to Life
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Laura Armbruster It’s often the simplest of things that have the greatest impact. For many of us, those simple things are commonplace. For the thousands of veterans who struggle to reintegrate into life outside the military,...
Empowering Kids to Just be Kids
By Haily Jones With the way society puts so much pressure on children today, it is nice to be able to give kids an opportunity to just be kids. But what about children with serious illnesses or disabilities? Some may find it incredibly challenging to give kids with...
One of the Herd
As the Philanthropy Journal moves through a second cycle of our editorial calendar, we will periodically republish articles from our archive. Please enjoy this piece on CORRAL Riding Academy that first published in May 2016. By Krystin Gollihue Horses are herd...
Ensuring Excellence When You’re Charting A New Course
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Leigh Longino While many nonprofits and philanthropic efforts address large, globally recognized issues such as animal welfare, education and poverty, many other organizations target audiences with equally important issues...
Leveling the Playing Field: How Baseball For All Empowers Girls On And Off The Field
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Lena Park Since the age of five, Justine Siegal’s life centered around baseball. She played on local teams for over a decade with dreams of growing up to play for her hometown Cleveland Indians. As a kid, most coaches supported...