By David Mueller Amanda Keller had been working with Birmingham AIDS Outreach (BAO) for several years when she began to see a disturbing change in the community she served: the highest rate of new infections in the state of Alabama was shifting drastically downward....
Interrupting Systemic Oppression
By Preston Wittwer Currently in the states of Montana, Idaho, and Alaska there is only one person per state that is paid to address LGBTQ-focused work. Kim Leighton, based in Helena, is responsible for covering all 147,040 square miles of expansive Montana. Steve...
55 Years Later, The Lawyers’ Committee Continues the Fight for Justice
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Ayan Ajeen In 1963, President John F. Kennedy issued a national call to action for lawyers to provide pro bono legal services and resources to address the racial discrimination that plagued our country. What resulted was the...
This is the America we Vow to Change
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Doha Medani and Lela Ali We are two Afro-Arab immigrant, Muslim women and we wear our identities as badges of honor. However, we weren’t always on this path to celebrate and embrace our truest selves, particularly because of...
Forgotten Families Empowered to Improve Their Own Health
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Andrew Herrera When Jaimie Kasopsky arrived at the hospital for her son’s delivery, she never dreamed the experience would be so traumatic. “They couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat, so I had to have an emergency c-section,”...
Treating the Human Water Crisis Begins After the Well is Dug
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By David Cuthbert, CEO W|W I have now been the CEO of Wine To Water (W|W) for more than four years. Our organization has been involved in water and WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) initiatives in more than 30 countries...
The Right Tools in the Right Hands
By Sandy Cyr Trained health workers are key to good healthcare and improving lives in sub-Saharan Africa. Poor quality healthcare in the region has devastating effects on vulnerable populations and communities. Every day, people die from preventable diseases and...
Leveraging Technology to End World Hunger
As the Philanthropy Journal moves through a second cycle of our editorial calendar, we will periodically republish articles from our archive. Please enjoy this piece on Heifer International that first published in August 2016. Special to the Philanthropy Journal...
Hope Between Mountains
Special to The Philanthropy Journal By Sherry Todd-Green Hope is a word that is used quite often but can be difficult to digest for those who experience constant struggle, devastation and defeat. The people of Haiti, especially rural families, know all too well what...
The Dignity of Choice
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By The Green Chair Project Staff Do you remember seeing your first apartment or house before you moved in? As you walked through the empty rooms, you imagined the furniture you had - or needed to buy - and where you would put it....