Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Anisa Kamadoli Costa and Ann Colley Protecting and restoring the health of the earth’s oceans is a major challenge, but our foundations – The Tiffany & Co. Foundation and The Moore Charitable Foundation – are encouraged...
Diamonds in the Rough
By Matthew Harvey Community Development Corporations (CDCs) are somewhat ubiquitous nonprofits. In 2006, The Democracy Collaborative’s Community-Wealth.org project estimated that the number of CDCs within the United States was in...
A Scalable Model for Community Engagement
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kelly Brooks In 2011, I was searching for a way to plug into my community in Charlotte, NC and found it very difficult to navigate the many nonprofits and initiatives. I remember thinking, if I’m having these problems,...
Philanthropy Insight: Building Local Capacity is Essential for Success in International Development Efforts
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Kate Moynihan Building local capacity is the key to turning the tide on a whole host of global public health challenges – from tackling communicable diseases to expanding vaccination rates to treating avoidable blindness. By...
Holistic and Intentional: The Path to Building Nonprofit Leaders
As the Philanthropy Journal moves through a second cycle of our editorial calendar, we will periodically republish articles from our archive. Please enjoy this piece on the Rainier Valley Corps that first published in October 2016. By Krystin Gollihue When Vu Le,...
Shining Example of a Public-Private Partnership
Special to the Philanthropy Journal By Clare Jordan and Michelle Schneider When Greensboro, North Carolina, Assistant City Manager, Chris Wilson, is asked about public-private partnerships, he lights up with the opportunity to talk about the “shining example” of the...
Using Data to Boost Capacity and Impact for Youth
Special to the Philanthropy Journal by Danielle Scaturro What does it take to help nonprofits transform their passion for serving disadvantaged youth into greater results and outcomes for young people? That’s the question we’ve been asking — and answering —...
Building a True Democracy
By Bob Phillips Democracy allows us to have freedoms and benefits of living in a culture and society that is protected. Many times, we see democracy as being tarnished by voter suppression, money, and gerrymandering, but that is not the ideal of American democracy or...
No Sides, Only Love
By Preston Wittwer Stephenie Larsen and her small team were in the early stages working to open Encircle, an LGBTQ+ youth center in Provo, Utah, when they started talking mission statements, mottos, and slogans. As they discussed ideas they were aware of all the...
Leveling the Playing Field in STEM for Underrepresented Youth
As the Philanthropy Journal moves through a second cycle of our editorial calendar, we will periodically republish articles from our archive. Please enjoy this piece on the Level Playing Field Institute that first published in September 2016. Special to the...