August – NC Grant News Roundup

Aug 28, 2017 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

North State Bank donates $150,000 to Transitions LifeCare, The Winston-Salem Foundation awards 23 Community Grants totaling $467,632, Curamericas Global is selected as one of four recipients of a grant from the Ronald McDonald House Charities Global Grants Program, and more

The NC Grants Roundup can be a helpful tool when researching grant opportunities for your organization. For more tips read Becoming a “Grant Detective”: Best Practices for Grantseekers by Sarah Mann Willcox of the NC Network for Grantmakers.  

News about grants, gifts

The Jane Graham McKay and Katherine Hill McKay Endowment announced $20,000 in scholarship awards to seven local students and a $25,000 grant to the Scotland County Humane Society on August 10th. 

Duke Forward concluded by surpassing its goal and raising $3.85 billion over the past seven years, thanks to a gift from over 315,000 donors and foundations.

Carolina For The Kids of Chapel Hill gave 17 grants totaling $70,755 to advance programs, services, and other hospital-based initiatives to support the care and specific patient-related needs for patients and families of UNC Children’s Hospital.

The Winston-Salem Foundation awarded 23 Community Grants totaling $467,632 to organizations of various program areas in Forsyth County on August 10th.

The Guilford Green Foundation awarded grants to three local nonprofits to support efforts to serve seniors, LGBTQIA youth, and the transgender community.

Junior Achievement of the Triad received a grant to provide programming to 7th grade students at six Forsyth County Title I middle schools from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust in Winston-Salem.

The Golden LEAF Foundation received $30 million in funding from the State of North Carolina in June 2017, Golden LEAF is once again ready to help local government and nonprofit organizations recovering from Hurricane Matthew, tropical storms Julia and Hermine and the 2016 western wildfires.

North Carolina Community Foundation allocated a second round of funding from the NCCF Disaster Relief Fund to affiliate foundations serving the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Matthew. The latest allocation totals about $207,500 and will go to 15 NCCF affiliates serving the parts of eastern North Carolina that are recovering from Hurricane Matthew. 

The Beaufort-Hyde Community Foundation awarded $1,440 in local grants from its community grantmaking fund. This year recipients include Albemarle Commission Senior Nutrition Program for Meals on Wheels- Hyde Count and the Open Door Community Center for general operating support.

Susan G. Komen NC granted nine organizations a total of $350,000 as part of its annual Community Health Grants cycle. 

Wake Tech Office of Sponsored Programs and Federal Relations received $10.99 million in grant funding, this year marking its most successful year of grants ever. 

Wells Fargo presented five $100,000 grants to local nonprofits to support revitalization efforts in Wake and Durham Counties on Friday, July 28 at Bull City Cool Food Hub in Durham, North Carolina.

North State Bank donated $150,000 to Transitions LifeCare’s in support of the organization’s work. 

Urban Ministries of Wake County received a $6,100 grant from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation for the agency’s Open Door Clinic. 

Junior Achievement of the Triad received a grant to provide programming to 7th grade students at six Forsyth County Title I middle schools from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust in Winston-Salem.

The Orange County Arts Commission named its 2017-2018 Arts Grants Recipients, the organization awarded 25 Grassroots Arts Program Grants and seven Artist project grants. 

United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County made $19,000 in grants to individual artists in Wake County. Grants from the organization provide financial support to committed, gifted individual artists and small, unincorporated groups of collaborating artists.

Curamericas Global was selected as one of four recipients of a grant from the Ronald McDonald House Charities Global Grants Program. The organization will receive over $1.49 million over the next three years. 

John Rex Endowment awarded $162,430 to Arts Access, Inc. for the Wake Arts Inclusion Project, which focuses on increasing participation by children with disabilities in the full range of cultural arts activities in Wake County. 

News about grant opportunities

A Giving Circle is currently accepting grant applications for projects funded from its community grantmaking fund, the deadline for applications is August 22nd.

The Beehive Collective 2017 Large Grant application is now available. This year the organization is requesting proposals for projects pertaining to Health and Healthcare.

Applications for Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation‘s Small Toolbox for Education Grant are open until September 29th. LCEF will donate up to $5 million.

Note from the editor: The preceding is part of a new initiative for Philanthropy Journal. Each month we will publish a curated list of grant specific news for North Carolina. For weekly grant updates, please check NC Nonprofit News

If you are interested in having your organization featured in the next NC Grants Roundup, please send announcements or press releases to

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