News about grants, gifts
ArtsGreensboro seeks applicants for the 2020 Regional Artist Grant program. Funding for this program is provided by the North Carolina Arts Council and matched by the Arts Councils in the five participating counties: Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Randolph, and Rockingham. Click here to access the application.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Foundation (CMCF) granted more than $800,000 to 37 local nonprofits. Of that total, CMCF’s Family & Child Stability grantmaking program awarded grants totaling $300,200. Award programs include the West Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition, Camino Community Development Corporation, Center for Community Transitions, Care Ring, and others.
North Carolina’s Clean Water Management Trust Fund funded 34 projects through $14.3 million in grants to conserve lands and protect waterways “from the mountains to the coast.”
ArtsGreensboro seeks applicants for their 2019-2020 teacher art grant program. Click here for more information.
News about people, groups

Their CSW 2019 Women NC Scholars’ research and policy proposals will help create initiatives and strategies to improve the health and wellness of women across North Carolina. named the eight scholars who earned their CSW 2019 Women NC Scholars award: Siani Antoine (UNC-Chapel Hill), Bridget Pittman-Blackwell (NC Central University), Isa van der Drift (UNC-Chapel Hill), Jackie Lanning (NC State University), Samia Noor (Duke University), Leticia Ross (NC Central University), Marjorie Naila Segule (NC State University), and Rosie Tran (UNC-Chapel Hill).
Richard Whittington joined the University of North Carolina School of the Arts as associate vice chancellor for advancement.
Dress for Success Triangle raised more than $24,000 at its fall boutique sale. The agency will host its final sale of the year at Northgate Mall on November 22nd-23rd.
The Internal Revenue Service released an updated address for delivery/express mail for Exempt Organizations submissions (Forms 1023, 1024, 1024A, 1028, 8940, and group exemption requests):
Internal Revenue Service
Mail Stop 31A: Team 105
7940 Kentucky Drive
Florence, KY 41042
News about opportunities, initiatives
For seven nights in November, North Carolina State University will host Moonlight in the Garden at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Click here to order tickets and for more information.
Dress for Success Triangle Raleigh will hold a women’s salary negotiation panel Thursday, October 3rd in Raleigh. Click here to RSVP.
TROSA will hold their annual Foodie Fundraiser on Sunday, October 6th in Durham. Click here for tickets and more information.
The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits will hold a webinar titled Decoding the Motivations and Strategies of High Net Worth Philanthropists online on Wednesday, October 30th. Click here to register.
AFP NC Triad Chapter and Guilford Nonprofit Consortium will joint host the webinar Giving Shifts: How Networks are Catalyzing Change on Thursday, October 10th in both Greensboro and Winston-Salem. Click here (Greensboro) or here (Winston-Salem) to register.

At the event, artisans and special guest speakers will share updates on the organizations and how financial contributions are used.
Designed for Joy has partnered with the Women’s Center of Wake County to host a 2019 Evening of Giving on Thursday, October 3rd in Raleigh. Click here for more information.
The NC Rural Center released their fiscal year 2018-2019 impact report. Click here to access the report.
On Saturday, October 12th in Charlotte, Empower for Hope, in partnership with CURA for the World, will hold A Night Under the Stars fundraiser to support “vulnerable and impoverished women from Charlotte and Burundi, East Africa.” Click here for more information.
The Young Nonprofit Professionals Network Triangle NC chapter will hold their fall social and distillery tour Friday, October 25th in Durham. Click here for tickets and more information.
Susan G. Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast will host its annual Young Researchers Roundtable Breakfast: Hearing the Metastatic Voice on Friday, October 4th in Durham. Click here for more information.
If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to