9.19.16 NC Nonprofit News

Sep 19, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The annual Carolina Artisan Craft Market will be held November 11, the Me Fine Foundation receives $20,000 endowment from two Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q franchises, Charlotte Mecklenburg Libraries to hold an "Introduction to Finding Grants" program on September 30, and more.

News about grants, gifts

9-19-2016-me-fine-foundation_originalThe Me Fine Foundation, Inc received a $20,000 endowment from two franchises of Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q brand to support  parents and caregivers whose children are receiving long-term medical treatment from Duke and UNC Children’s Hospitals.

The Susan G. Komen Foundation received a $27 million grant from the Fund II Foundation to support Komen’s African-American Health Equity Initiative which targets cities where mortality rates and late-stage diagnosis of African-American women are highest.

Sensus raised $57,000 at its annual Charity Golf Tournament held on September 12th for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern North Carolina. 

The SECU Jim & Betsy Bryan Hospice Home of UNC Health Care opened its doors on September 13th; the home was funded by the State Employees’ Credit Union Foundation and The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

News about people, groups

The John William Pope Foundation and John Locke Foundation held the first Raleigh Children’s 9.19.16 JW Pope Foundation_RevisedBusiness Fair on September 10th, at The Commons at North Hills to promote entrepreneurship.

StepUp Ministry announced six additional members to their Board of Directors. 

The Girlz and Boyz of Green Queen Bingo celebrated their 50th installment of the longest running Drag Bingo in the Southeast on September 16th with cocktails, bingo, and a game show. Proceeds benefited the Guilford Green Foundation.

Dr. Ernie Mills, CEO and Founder of the Durham Rescue Mission, delivered signed petitions in support of the Durham Rescue Mission and its properties on the east side of NC Hwy 55 being excluded from the proposed Golden Belt Local Historic District to the Durham City Clerk’s Office.

Dress for Success Triangle NC served its 10,000th woman, Monique Tirado, in July; the organization has offered Triangle women job-search and career development services and helped thousands of under-employed and unemployed women transition into the workplace.

9-19-2016-aj-fletcher-revisedAJ Fletcher Foundation named Yemi Adewuyi as the 2016-2017 Fletcher Fellow. Yemi will work to amplify grantees’ voice in public spaces. 

IntraHealth International staff participated in the Social Good Summit on September 18th and 19th. The conference examines the impact of technology and new media on social good initiatives around the world.

According to a bipartisan poll released by the North Carolina Early Childhood Education Foundation (NCECF) and the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) support for early education has continued to rise among North Carolina voters. 

HandsOn Northwest North Carolina partnered with Whole Man Ministries of North Carolina and its Housing 4 Our Heroes project to rally volunteers to make exterior improvements on five homes for veterans as part of their local participation in the national 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance.

News about opportunities, initiatives


Pencils of Promise CEO Michael Dougherty will hold a presentation on September 22nd at NC State’s Talley Student Union to discuss the organization. 

Beginning on November 11th, master craft artisans will convene in Raleigh for the annual Carolina Artisan Craft Market– a premier three-day event hosted by the Carolina Designer Craftsmen Guild.

Meg Buckingham, Director of Marketing & Communications at Triangle Community Foundation, will host a Communications Plan Workshop on September 27th, at Research Triangle Park. 

MeckEd will host a series of community forums through September to gauge local input on the superintendent search for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.

NC WARN Member Assembly

NC WARN will host a gathering of members and supporters to build a community of resilience as the climate crisis worsens on October 8th, in Durham.

Chaplains at Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro will provide an educational conference highlighting the role of spiritual care at end of life on September 22nd, at the Lusk Center in Greensboro. 

The Wells Fargo IMAX Theatre at Marbles will present the award-winning documentary For Grace on September 25th. 

The United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County will fund eligible Title 1 Wake County schools to choose a field trip destination in the Triangle in order to experience arts and culture as part of its “Wheels on the Bus” fund; applications accepted until December 9th.

The Natural Learning Initiative will host its 14th Annual Design Institute on September 22nd-23rd, at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh.

The 2016 Leadership Triangle Awards Gala, presented by the Carolina Hurricanes, will be hosted December 7th; nominations for a Goodman Award will be accepted until October 21st. 

Leadership Triangle Awards Gala

The North Carolina Network of Grantmakers’ annual Foundation Fair will be hosted on October 12th, at the East Carolina Heart Institute at East Carolina University in Greenville.

 The Community Blood Center of the Carolinas will team up with Carowinds to host the Stick or Treat Blood Drive September 30th; the first 250 donors will receive a free admission ticket to Carowinds.

Triangle Community Foundation is accepting proposals for the Capacity Building Partnerships Program until October 31st. Organizations that offer housing, employment, or health services to address poverty in the Triangle are encouraged to apply.

The Town of Chapel Hill will host the show, “Folk Exploration” as part of its Live & Local, Music & Arts Series on September 23rd, at the Plaza at 140 West Franklin.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Libraries will hold an “Introduction to Finding Grants” program on September 30 at the Main Library. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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