8.5.19 NC News

Aug 5, 2019 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

WinstonNet receives $50,000 grant from the BB&T Charitable Fund, Salem College' sNora Doyle, Ph.D,is awarded the Mary Kelley Prize, New Garden Friends School to host In The Garden, and more.

News about grants, gifts

North Carolina Community Foundation is allocating $250,000 in funding available from the NCCF Disaster Relief Fund to support inclusive long-term disaster recovery in eastern North Carolina communities affected by Hurricane Florence. Grants will support nonprofit organizations that are led by or focus long-term recovery efforts on minority communities, people of color and other underserved populations.

WinstonNet received a $50,000 grant from the BB&T Charitable Fund for the purchase 50 new computers that will be placed at five of its community computer labs.

Mecklenburg County has been awarded $162,309 to help supplement local emergency food and shelter efforts. The funds were awarded through the state set-aside process under Phase 36 of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP). A local EFSP board facilitated by United Way of Central Carolinas will determine how the funds are to be distributed to area service providers of emergency food and shelter programs in the county. Qualifying organizations wishing to apply should contact Beth Reichert at 704.371.6260 or beth.reichert@uwcentralcarolinas.org to request an application. 

Triangle Capacity-Building Network, comprised of a growing collection of local funders, named the inaugural group of grantee partners, who will collectively receive over $150,000 to strengthen their operations in an effort to build a stronger ecosystem of nonprofits in the Triangle. The 9 grantees are BUMP: The TriangleCarolina Justice Policy CenterEl Pueblo, Inc., Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County (aka El Vínculo Hispano), StandUp-SpeakOut of North CarolinaStrongHER TogetHERStudent UThe Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History, and Village of Wisdom.

The Moore County Community Foundation awarded a total of $107,741 in local grants to 33 organizations from its community grantmaking fund, the John W. Roffe and Marjorie A. Roffe Endowment, the St. Joseph of the Pines Charitable Endowment for Moore County and the Robert L. and Marcia P. Ellis Endowment.

The Robeson County Community Foundation awarded a total of $11,740 in local grants to 10 organizations from its community grantmaking fund.

The Duplin County Community Foundation awarded a total of $6,545 in local grants to 8 organizations from its community grantmaking fund.

The Lenoir County Community Foundation awarded a total of $8,600 in local grants to 7 organizations from its community grantmaking fund and the Warren and Barbara Perry Fund.

News about people, groups

TROSA‘s Founder, Kevin McDonald, transition to a new role at TROSA – “Founder” – in July 2020. Keith Artin, TROSA’s longtime COO, will succeed Kevin as President and CEO for TROSA in July 2020. The new “Founder” role will give Kevin the flexibility to mentor staff and residents, and develop future TROSA leaders. Kevin also will advise on continuous improvements to TROSA’s therapeutic program, and serve as a liaison to Triangle leadership and the recovery community.

To mark his 27th year of recovery and to help raise awareness for the opioid crisis, ultra-marathoner Charlie Engle will run 27 hours continuously through Dorothea Dix Park beginning Saturday August 3rd to raise awareness for opioid crisis. Healing Transitions is partnering with local business and organizations for this event.

On July 13, Juntos™, an extension of the Division of Academic and Student Affairs at North Carolina State University, held a business pitch competition in collaboration with the Raleigh-based nonprofit Thread Capital. At the end of the competition, the Sampson County team won the $2,500 prize from Thread Capital for an indoor soccer league that would provide a space for athletes of all skills to play and compete. The Catawba County team was awarded a $2,500 prize after an anonymous benefactor stepped forward to sponsor their idea for a fruit and beverage stand.  

Nora Doyle, Ph.D, Chair of the Department of History & Political Science at Salem College, was awarded the Mary Kelley Prize from the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic for her book Maternal Bodies. Each year, the Mary Kelley Prize honors the best book published on the history of women, gender, or sexuality in the Early American Republic.

Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina and Christian Adoption Services will partner together to offer comprehensive foster care and adoption services to families throughout the state.

News about opportunities, initiatives

In The Garden will take place October 12th in Summerfield. Proceeds from the art show will benefit the New Garden Friends School.

International House is partnering with the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance for their next international leader speaker series: “Global Perspectives” on Tuesday, August 6 from 3:30-5:00 at 330 South Tryon Street featuring youth empowerment leaders from Charlotte and the United Kingdom discussing “Economic Mobility for Youth.”

Triangle Family Services’ 9th Annual Wake UP! with TFS event will take place on Thursday, September 5th, 7:30-9 am at PNC Arena in Raleigh. This issues-oriented breakfast will feature Secretary of the North Carolina DHHS, Dr. Mandy Cohen. Sponsorships and tickets are available now at tfsnc.org/events.

The 2019 Ron Johnson Red Ribbon Run & AIDS Walk to raise funds for the Triad Health Project will take place November 16th in Greensboro. Early bird registration is active until August 31st.

Marbles Kids Museum’s Evening with Elves will take place Friday, December 6th in Raleigh. Tickets are now on sale.

Save the date: Transitions GuidingLights’ Share to Care Gala will take place February 22, 2020 at the Fairview Raleigh.

Triangle Community Foundation’s Send A Kid To Camp is moving to a fall application process. The grant deadline is September 15th, and grantees will be announced in December 2019. There will be no application process in spring 2020.

The Beehive Collective is currently accepting applications for their 2019 Large Grant. This year, they are requesting proposals for programs/projects addressing environmental justice in Raleigh. The deadline to apply for the $30,000 grant is Thursday, September 5th by midnight.

Franny Tacy, co-founder of Franny’s Farm and Franny’s Farmacy, celebrates her birthday by asking her friends and family to join her in a dance party benefiting her passion project, Women in Hemp. Franny Tacy’s Birthday shindig will be held on August 9th from 6pm-11pm in Asheville with a suggested donation of $5.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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