8.31.15 NC Nonprofit News

Aug 31, 2015 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association will hold six Walk to End Alzheimer's events, International House in Charlotte will host an evening of Chinese-inspired cuisine, entertainment and dancing, The North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition and its allies partnered to host a series of events in solidarity with International Overdose Awareness Day, Voices Together holds its September open houses, The Shalom Project receives a $22k grant, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Students and teachers are getting a back-to-school boost through grants totaling $3 million to more than 50 schools and educational organizations in North Carolina. The Duke Energy Foundation awarded $865,000 to childhood literacy programs aimed at closing the achievement gap and ending the cycle of poverty that often separates low-income students from their peers. The remaining $2.17 million supports STEM initiatives that provide real-world relevancy and engaging experiences to prepare students to enter math and engineering career fields.

The Winston-Salem Foundation has awarded The Shalom Project‘s Peter’s Creek Community Initiative with $22,000 for the 2015-2016 year. The Peter’s Creek Initiative aims to revitalize the Peter’s Creek area through community economic development and the funds will go to making the strategic planning a reality.

News about people, groups

Keith Ferrazzi will headline the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce‘s annual meeting on September 9th. Ferrazzi will discuss the importance of relationships for area success, collaboration, and authenticity for fostering commitment.

August 17th marked the 800th life saved by NC Harm Reduction Coalition‘s (NCHRC) “miracle drug, naloxone in a community setting. Since 2013, NCHRC has distributed over 14,000 overdose prevention kits to people at risk for drug overdose and their loved ones.

More than 200 community members gathered on August 26th to celebrate philanthropy at the Community Foundation of Henderson County’s Annual Luncheon at Kenmure Country Club. The luncheon included highlights of the Community Foundation’s past fiscal year as well as the announcement of Ruth Birge as the recipient of the 2015 Richard C. and Vina L. Sauer Charitable Leadership Award.

The Hispanic League‘s 2015 Fiesta Naming Sponsor will be Boost Mobile. Boost Mobile will provide charging stations and prizes at the largest Latin American festival in the Triad. Fiesta 2015 will be September 26th noon until 7.

Greenhill Arts Sophia Ali Untilted work

Sophia Allison, Untitled (Green Mountain), 2014, acrylic on watercolor paper and wood, 5.5 x 5.25 x 12 inches

Downtown Greensboro’s non-profit art center Greenhill, will present its 36th annual Winter Show holiday exhibition featuring works by 120 North Carolina artists, December 5, 2015 – January 15, 2016.

Students in northeastern North Carolina now have access to an innovative new school working to positively impact the regional economy. The Northeast Academy of Aerospace and Advanced Technologies held it’s ribbon-cutting ceremony on Monday, Aug. 31, at 9 a.m. on the campus of Elizabeth City State University.

News about opportunities, initiatives

During the weekend of August 28th, City Barbeque partnered with WakeEd Partnership for “Eat for Education”. 25 percent of will go directly to WakeEd Partnership which will benefit programs that help improve education in the Wake County Public School System.

Registration is now open for the Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter (LFANC)‘s 15th Annual NC Lupus Summit which will take place on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015. The annual summit will be held at the Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel located at 3315 Scott Futrell Drive in Charlotte.

The International House will host “Lights the World” a Chinese culture event on October 17th. The evening will be filled with Chinese-inspired cuisine, entertainment, and dancing as well as an auction for a chance to win one of many fantastic prizes.

Registration closes at noon on September 14th for the Association of Fundraising Professionals NC Triad Chapter‘s webinar on donor retention presented by John Greenhoe which will be held on September 16th.

The Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association will hold six Walk to End Alzheimer’s events beginning September 12 in Fayetteville and ending on November 7 in Wilmington. The walk aims to raise funds and awareness for care, support, and research.

The First Annual Pruitt Cares Foundation Golf Classic will be held on September 8th at MacGregor Downs. All proceeds will benefit Pruitt Cares Camp Cocoon, a bereavement camp for children ages 6 to 17.

Brookdale Chapel Hill invites you to a Pig Pickin’ Fundraiser on September 10th 4-7pm. Music, food, and door prizes will be available and all proceeds support the Alzheimer’s Association. 

Susan G Komen Charlotte Theater

At Charlotte’s McGlohon Theatre, Race for the Cure weekend

For the 19th consecutive year, a sea of pink-clad and festive people with a common purpose will gather in Uptown Charlotte to celebrate their progress and renew commitments in the battle against breast cancer. Attracting over 13,000 registered participants last year, the Charlotte Komen Race for the Cure returns to Marshall Park on Saturday, October 3, 2015.

The North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition and its allies partnered to host a series of events in solidarity with International Overdose Awareness Day. In honor of loved ones who have been lost to a drug overdose, commemoration events will be held in Asheville, Durham, Fayetteville, Greensboro, High Point and Wilmington. The events will focus on remembering loved ones lost to drug overdose and discussing solutions to this problem which claims over 1,000 lives in North Carolina each year. Free naloxone kits will be distributed at all of the events and members of the public are invited to come and share their experiences with drug overdose, addiction or loss.

International House in Charlotte seeks those interested in hosting dinner for global guests from Indonesia, Canada, China and worldwide for September. The dates are August 31st and September 1st and September 21st-26th.

From August 1 to September 16, the NAACP’s America’s Journey for Justice mobilized activists  to march from Selma, Alabama to Washington, DC. August 29th until September 7th, and will march through North Carolina to advocate and rally for voting rights in North Carolina. The Voting Rights Rally will occur on September 3rd.

NC Center for Nonprofits invites you to register for the 2015 Statewide Conference “Full Tilt”. Register by September 22 for the best rates. The Conference held on September 30th-October 2nd in Winston-Salem will speak on nonprofit issues,  ways to develop the career of nonprofit professionals, and help connect with grant makers.

September 1st and 3rd, Voices Together will hold two open houses for preteens in Raleigh and Durham.

IntraHealth International invites the public to a gala fundraising concert featuring four-time Emmy award nominee Sharon Lawrence and six-time Grammy award nominee Nnenna Freelon on October 9th in Pittsboro, NC. Proceeds will benefit the organization’s End Shame: Restore Dignity campaign that aims to fight against fistula in Mali.

The Charlotte Post Foundation is launching Black Lives Matter Charlotte, an initiative to engage African Americans to improve their collective community with information and action. The initiative will cover four areas: Health, education, upward mobility, and crime. The first area, health, begins in September with an overview and examination of disparities between African Americans and the country as a whole, especially concerning access for low-income communities. The first community engagement forum is Sept. 22.

In August, StepUp Ministry partnered with Boys and Girls Club, Vision Church, Men of Armor, and Philippians Community Church to put on a back to school community day. The event was held at the local Boy’s Club and included free hair cuts, free school supplies, free food, games and live music.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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