8.29.16 NC Nonprofit News

Aug 29, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women to host discussion of local women's human rights advocacy on October 25th, The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina receives $65,000 donation from the Nationwide Foundation, Activate Good seeks 2,500 volunteers for 9/11 Weekend of Service, and more.

News about grants, gifts

8.29.16 SECU Foundation_revisedThe SECU Foundation provided Good Shepherd Center with a $1 million grant to help fund the phase one construction of the SECU Lakeside Reserve housing project.

The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina received a $65,000 donation from the Nationwide Foundation to support hunger-relief efforts in central and eastern North Carolina.

The Durham Arts Council (DAC) received a legacy grant from the Fox Family Foundation in memory of Susan Fox Beischer. This gift will help DAC continue to offer relevant programming by supporting an upgrade to its Digital Arts Lab. 

Heart Math Tutoring completed its Spring Funding Initiative and raised $630,000. The additional funding will allow Heart to grow from eight to 12 school sites during the 2016/17 school year.

The United Way of Forsyth County began their 2016 Community Campaign at the sixth annual Moonlight Madness 5K on August 26th.

News about people, groups

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAUnited Way of Transylvania County named Barbara Marr as Community Development Director for the local office and Colin Kirkman as the new TRAIN (Transylvania Resource Access Information Network) Specialist.

The John Rex Endowment named Heather Denny, president and chief executive officer of McDonald York Building Company, to serve on the finance and audit committee of the board. 

Duke’s Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society named Lisa Buckley their new program coordinator. 

Triangle ArtWorks named Beth Eiserloh Johnson and David C. Mason to its Board of Directors.  The board is developing programs to serve the Triangle arts community as a business segment. 

Representatives from visual art exchange, PineCone, Office of Raleigh Arts and United Arts Council came together at the 2016 Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability Conference hosted by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

8.29.16 United Arts CouncilThe United Arts Council held their annual Cultural Arts Booking Fair on August 13th. Over 500 artists and community members came together in support of the Artists in Schools program. 

Phyllis C. Rothrock was named the 2016 Richard C. and Vina L. Sauer charitable leadership award recipient at the Community Foundation of Henderson County‘s Annual Luncheon on August 24th in Flat Rock.

The Durham Rescue Mission hosted a Back-to-School Party for Needy Students on August 24th, with over 5,000 backpacks filled with school supplies for needy children.

News about opportunities, initiatives

The North Carolina Network of Grantmakers will host the 2016 Foundation Fair at East Carolina University’s Heart Institute in Greenville on October 12th.

Urban Ministry Center will hold their annual art show on September 10th with work by homeless and formerly homeless individuals who participated in the Center’s ArtWorks 945 program. 

Applications for The Winston-Salem Foundation’s Black Philanthropy Initiative grants are now open. Nonprofit organizations serving the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area are eligible to apply for grant funding from the Black Philanthropy Fund.

T8.29.16 2016 CEDAW Voices for Women_Originalhe Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women will host an event in Raleigh to discuss and celebrate local women’s human rights advocacy work on October 25th. 

SHIFT NC early bird tickets are now available for “Take Flight with SHIFT NC,” a fundraiser, auction and benefit for adolescent sexual health to be held on September 17 in Durham. 

AFP NC Triad‘s deadline for nominations for National Philanthropy Day is August 31st. 

The Charlotte Post Foundation will host their 2016 Post Best Banquet on October 8th. 

Activate Good is seeking 2,500 volunteers for its 9/11 Weekend of Service with over 100 projects taking place with nonprofits and causes around the Triangle, September 9th-11th

Triangle Family Services (TFS) will host the 6th Annual Wake Up! with TFS event September 1st at the PNC Arena. 

The Guilford County Nickels for Know-How Referendum will be held November 1st; polling will take place at the Guilford County Agriculture Center in Greensboro.

The deadline to apply for Luquire George Andrews‘ Goodstock a 24-hour pro bono advertising, public relations and marketing marathon, is September 6th. 

Hispanic League is looking for feedback via survey on how to celebrate their 25th anniversary in 2017. The organization was founded in March 1992 by Hispanic/Latino leaders in the community. 

Best-selling author and entrepreneur, Josh Linkner, will headline The Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce‘s 128th annual meeting which will explore creativity, innovation, reinvention, and leadership on September 7th at the Raleigh Convention Center. 

8.29.16 Guilford Green Bingo_RevisedThe Girlz and Boyz of Green Queen Bingo will celebrate their 50th installment of the longest running Drag Bingo in the Southeast on September 16th with  cocktails, bingo, and a game show. Proceeds will benefit the Guilford Green Foundation.

The Raleigh Area Chapter of the International Coach Federation will host its 2016 conference on October 7th, to explore ways to promote effective and authentic conversations throughout corporations and organizations to become agents of positive, productive change. 

Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service by attending the “Find Your Pint” beer event in Asheville through September. A portion of the beer sales will benefit the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation. 

Applications are being accepted until October 1 for the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation’s Ribbon of Hope grants, a one-time opportunity to expand or enhance an existing program, or provide seed funds for a new initiatives furthering science, health or education. Nonprofits are awarded $25,000 and customized consulting services and technical assistance from the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

Culture Mill will host “Fake It Till You Make It,” a shared evening of two works by seasoned performing artists on October 15th and 16th in Durham. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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