8.29.16 International Nonprofit News

Aug 29, 2016 | News, Philanthropy Journal

Advocates, practitioners and researchers gathered at the Institute of International Education (IIE) Washington Forum to discuss building partnerships to improve girls' education worldwide, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and UNICEF donated $3.7 million to eliminate malaria in North Korea, Graduate Women International will join MsGinko, and more.

News about grants, gifts

8.29.16 Australian Wildlife Conservancy_Original

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) donated $3.7 million to eliminate malaria in North Korea. 

In July, the Australian Wildlife Conservancy partnered with New South Wales National Parks to create a new site for a cat and fox-free areas to return the threatened species of the Numbat, the Bilby and the Bridled Nailtail Wallaby. 

The Bayat Foundation completed the restoration of a dormitory for special-needs children at the Tahia Maskan State Orphanage. The orphanage serves 500 afghan children. 

World Child Cancer raised £6, 865 as part of a Ladies Lunch fundraiser in July. The event was organized by Shobna Vedi, wife of World Child Cancer’s Chairman Anu Vedi. 

News about people, groups

8.29.16 APOPO_revisedIn June, His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi the President of the Republic of Mozambique visited APOPO‘s Tuberculosis Detection Programme in Maputo as part of his visit to the Eduardo Mondlane University.

In July, the Elpida Home Project opened its doors to refugees in Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece. The project is founded by American philanthropist Amed Khan in partnership with The Radcliffe Foundation and other non-profits.

8.29.16 Institute of International Education_revisedAdvocates, practitioners and researchers gathered at the Institute of International Education (IIE) Washington Forum to discuss evaluating girls’ education programs, communicating findings effectively, and building partnerships to improve girls’ education worldwide.

BirdLife Austria and REWE International AG have received the TRIGOS award for the most sustainable national partnership. Their winning initiative – Blühendes Österreich (“Blossoming Austria”) – won for its success in sustaining high nature value areas in intensively managed agricultural land.

8.29.16 Forests Ontario_originalForests Ontario announced that Ontario are the 2016 North American Envirothon champions. Over the course of four days, students engaged in a series of challenges that tested their skills and knowledge of natural ecosystems, and the winners received a cash prize from sponsors Smithfield Foods.

Medical Teams International signed a three-year agreement with the Nepalese government to help address the country’s lack of emergency medical services infrastructure. The work will consist of establishing a common phone number and dispatch system, training community responders, and building a self-sustaining ambulance business.

Doctors Without Borders responded to a cholera outbreak in Juba on July 27th and 28th by vaccinating about 4,000 people at high risk, providing clean drinking water and supporting medical treatment.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Graduate Women International (GWI) will join MsGinko, an online video recording and sharing community. GWI member videos on a wide range of topics will be showcased on the site. 

Nonprofit Tech for Good has released the 2016 Global NGO Technology Survey. The purpose of the survey is to capture data around how NGOs, nonprofits and charities worldwide are utilizing digital technology to support their missions.

From August 28th through September 1st, Water For People and their Agenda For Change partners will share goals and lessons learned from their work towards ensuring access to sanitation and water for all at World Water Week in Stockholm.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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