8.24.15 NC Nonprofit News

Aug 24, 2015 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Wyndham Worldwide presents check for $100,000 to "Birdies Fore Backpacks," California Pizza Kitchen in Durham will donate 20% of its sales to the Durham Arts Council, The Foundation for Respect Ability to hold Back to School Forum on bullying, Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte seeks donations for Operation Sandwich program, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Triangle women’s collective’s The Art of Giving Fund, administered by Triangle Community Foundation and North Carolina Community Foundation, is accepting proposals for its 2015-2016 grant cycle. The Art of Giving funds nonprofits and programs supporting and empowering the lives of young women and girls, 10-20.

Stephen P. Holmes, chairman and chief executive officer, Wyndham Worldwide, and Faith Taylor, senior vice president, corporate social responsibility, Wyndham Worldwide, presented a check for $100,000 to “Birdies Fore Backpacks” from the Company’s Wishes by Wyndham Foundation.  “Birdies Fore Backpacks” launched in 2014 to fight childhood food insecurity in the Piedmont Triad and is perhaps the most important charitable initiative in tournament history.

The N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh has received a competitive grant, Latino Americans: 500 Years of History, from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association. As one of 203 grant recipients selected from across the country, the museum will receive a cash grant of $10,000 to fund the small exhibit Los Jets: Playing for the American Dream, opening April 2016, and seven programs pertaining to Latino history and culture.

State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) members via the SECU Foundation are teaming up with NC GreenPower to help expand the development of renewable energy sources through a pilot program geared to benefit North Carolina public schools – the Solar Schools project. Over the next two years, SECU Foundation will provide a total investment of up to $140,000, awarding a $10,000 matching challenge grant to 14 K-12 public schools that meet NC GreenPower’s program requirements for the installation of a pole-mounted solar PV system on school campuses.

A recent $100,000 gift to Meredith College will support the College’s growing criminology program. The donor of the gift has asked to remain anonymous.

News about people, groups

The 14th Annual 24 Hours of Booty presented by Levine Cancer Institute has raised more than $1.37 million to date to help support cancer survivorship and patients. On July 24-25, 1,200 registered participants from 26 different states rode in Charlotte’s Myers Park neighborhood along the famed “Booty Loop” to help put cancer in its place.

DHIC has been awarded tax credits from the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency for its Greenfield Place and Pennington Grove developments.  The awards will provide the fundamental financing to add 163 units of high-quality, affordable housing to the marketplace for working families and seniors.

The Durham Rescue Mission distributed 3,135 backpacks to needy children in the Triangle at the 16th Annual Back to School Party and Cookout on August 19.

Boys & Girls Clubs has launched the Great Futures Transportation Initiative, transporting over 350 of its members from school to its Clubs in Zebulon, Wake Forest and three on Raleigh Blvd. In the coming weeks, the organization will ramp up efforts to eventually bus some 600 members, in an effort to address transportation changes within Wake County Public Schools. Through the purchase of five used buses, the organization will be able to provide a busing service for its members at no additional costs beyond the annual membership fee of $7.50.

News about opportunities, initiatives 

In honor of Back-to-School season, Ally Financial has joined with local nonprofit Classroom Central to donate school supplies to all 830 students at Thomasboro Academy in Charlotte, N.C.  Each student received a package of the school supplies. Ally also contributed 50 books for the school’s library that are focused on various financial literacy concepts and span all grade levels from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade.

The 34th Annual Greek Festival will take place on Friday, September 11 – Sunday, September 13th at the Jim Graham Building at the State Fairgrounds in Raleigh. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Habitat for Humanity of Wake County.

Brookdale Wake Forest, an assisted living center, invites the public to join “Painting for a Cure” to raise money for Alzheimer’s disease Friday, September 25. Refreshments will be served and each person will create a special canvas painting to take home.

Thursday, August 27th UNC Wilmington will host “Navigating the Changing Philanthropic Tides, a conference by in partnership with the North Carolina Planned Giving Council, Inc. Special student rates are also available.

Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte seeks donations for its Operation Sandwich program. To donate sandwiches, visit Urban Ministry Center’s website to schedule a donation.

Join Raleigh Nonprofit Communicators and Create Good for their August social at Clouds Brewing on August 26th.

Friday, August 28th, WomenNC will march and rally in Durham on Women’s Equality Day with NC National Organization for Women, Action NC, Working North Carolina, NC Women United, NC Women Matter, Women AdaNCe Durham chapter, NC AFL-CO, and NC4ERA.

You may purchase WakeEd Partnership’s Stars of Education Edwards gala tickets until October 14. The awards gala honors those who are influential educators in Wake County.

Spring Arbor of Raleigh will hold its annual Community Family Health Fair on September 24th. All proceeds support Alzheimer’s NC.

Monday, August 31st, the Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity ReStore contest will end. Each contestant must construct an innovative building project of predominantly used building materials materials.

Chapel Hill Festifall

Chapel Hill Festifall

Spend the day supporting the arts on Sunday, October 4th in Downtown Chapel Hill for the 43rd annual Festifall Arts Festival, presented by Food Lion. Festifall is dedicated to presenting unique items that are never manufactured or mass produced.

The Sixth Annual Scrapel Hill Art Competition & Exhibit at University Place in Chapel Hill, NC will take place from September 10 – November 15, 2015. An artists’ reception and awards ceremony, open to the public, is scheduled for September 11 from 5:30 -8:00 p.m. to coincide with the Chapel Hill/Carrboro 2nd Friday ArtWalk sponsored by the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership.  The opening event will feature light refreshments and jazz.

In an effort to fight against bullying, The Foundation for Respect Ability will hold a Back to School Forum at the Davidson Town Hall on Bullying and Cyberbullying. The forum will take place on Wednesday, August 26.

California Pizza Kitchen in Durham will donate 20% of its sales to the Durham Arts Council (DAC) on September 3, “DAC Night at CPK” for each flyer or coupon presented. Donates support DAC arts programs, organizations and artists in Durham.

Butterball will now sponsor the Triangle Heart Association’s “My Heart. My Life” initiative.  This sponsorship aligns the American Heart Association‘s mission with Butterball’s corporate citizenship program,Traditions with Purpose, which reinforces the importance of nutritious eating and overall well-being, and places Butterball team members at the heart of the business.

The Woman’s Club of Raleigh is gearing up to hosts its 44th annual Capital City Fashion Show and Benefits Luncheon from 10 am until 2 pm at Carolina Country Club in Raleigh. Proceeds from this event will benefit community commitments and program services of The Woman’s Club of Raleigh.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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