8.1.16 NC Nonprofit News

Aug 1, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Duke Energy Foundation awards North Carolina Central University $135,000, Michael Jordan donates $1 million contributions to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Institute for Community-Police Relations, Triangle Community Foundation will be moving their office from the American Tobacco campus in downtown Durham to The Frontier in the fall, and more

News about grants, gifts

In response to recent police-civilian violence and social unrest, Basketball Hall of Fame member and Charlotte Hornets owner, Michael Jordan donated $1 million contributions to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Institute for Community-Police Relations.

8.1.16 Duke Energy Foundation_RevisedDuke Energy Foundation awarded North Carolina Central University $135,000 to support a Three-Plus-Two Bachelor of Science Dual Degree program in physics and electrical engineering in partnership with North Carolina State University.

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Foundation awarded $549,776 to 24 organizations serving children and youth of Mecklenburg County.  Grants recipients include: Ada Jenkins Center, the BELL Foundation, Crossroads Corporation for Affordable Housing and Community Development, Profound Gentlemen, WINGS for Kids and YMCA of Greater Charlotte

State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Foundation expanded their SECU Public Fellows Internship to include five additional state universities.  Through a partnership with the University of North Carolina System, Elizabeth City State, Fayetteville State, UNC-Wilmington, Western Carolina and Winston-Salem State will join three returning universities – UNC-Pembroke, East Carolina and Appalachian State for the program.  The Foundation’s $100,000 grant awarded to each campus will support paid internships for 20 eligible in-state undergraduates.

The United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County invested $234,530 in grants across Wake County in support of arts programming in the current fiscal year. United Arts awarded 47 grants to support arts programming presented by 44 Wake County organizations, schools and municipalities.

North Carolina Central University increased its young alumni engagement, with a successful Every Eagle. Every Year. campaign, which helped broaden its fundraising footprint over the past 12 months. The university gained 555 new alumni donors, bringing the total to 3,401 alumni contributing $2,431,616 for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2016. The overall fundraising total, including gifts from corporations and philanthropic grants, was $7 million received by 6,610 donors – exceeding the campaign’s $6.5 million goal.

8.1.16 Golden LEAF 1_RevisedThe Golden LEAF Foundation awarded scholarships to 215 students from 78 rural NC counties in 2016 of up to $12,000 over four years. Scholars are also eligible to take part in an optional leadership development program (valued at $8,830) that provides leadership training and paid internships throughout their college career.

The Brunswick County Community Foundation named the 2016 awards from its community grantmaking fund, the recipients include: Autism Society of North Carolina, Communities in Schools of Brunswick County, Prevent Blindness North Carolina and South Brunswick Interchurch Council

Columbus County Community Foundation named the 2016 awards from its community grantmaking fund, the recipients include: Families First for Safe Dates, Columbus County Literacy Council for Each One Teach One, Columbus County DREAM Center for Circles of Hope, Columbus Baptist Association for Toy Store 2016, Columbus County Partnership for Children for Reach Out and Read, Columbus County Sheriff’s Office for Project Lifesaver and Prevent Blindness North Carolina for Star Pupils Columbus County. 

Duplin County Community Foundation name the 2016 awards from it community grantmaking fund, the recipients include: Albritton Recreation Park, Mediation Center of Eastern Carolina and the Outlaw Foundation

Onslow Caring Communities Foundation donated $33,600 in awards from its community grantmaking fund, the recipients include: Brigade Boys and Girls Clubs, Philippians Place for transitional housing and Possumwood Acres Wildlife Sanctuary

Robeson County Community Foundation named the 2016 awards from its community grantmaking fund, the recipients include: Arrested Potential, Pembroke Housing Authority, and Reach Out and Read Robeson.  

Gregory Poole Equipment Company is providing power, light poles, air compressors and other accessories to power NC Missions of Mercy free portable dental clinic on July 29th and 30th. The clinic, which provides dental services like cleanings, fillings and extractions to adults in the community without access to care is organized by the North Carolina Dental Society.

News about people, groups

Triangle Community Foundation will be moving their office from the American Tobacco campus in downtown Durham to The Frontier in the fall. The Foundation plans to hold a public gathering in January to show off their new office.

8.1.16 Golden LEAF 2_RevisedGolden LEAF helped Yadkin County Economic Development Partnership and Lydall Metals celebrate Lydall’s recent expansion in Hamptonville and the organizations’ collaborative work with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The company has already created 50 new jobs as a result of the expansion. 

Operation North State launched the Anglers’ Casting Hope Challenge, as to an upcoming project to help raise awareness regarding the tragic number of veterans’ lives being lost daily in the US to suicide.

United Way of Alamance County held the first Tomato Sandwich Festival on July 29th. All proceeds benefited United Way of Alamance County’s Community Fund. 

In response to recent heat wave, Durham Rescue Mission launched Operation: Cool Shelter offering homeless and addicted a way to escape the heat or to access plenty of water. 

Fayetteville Technical Community College’s Foundation Board named three new members : Tad Davis, Dixon Soffe, and Vance Townsend. The FTCC Foundation Board also elected Janene Aul (as Chair of the Board, Ben Chambers as Vice Chair, Jason Pooleas Treasurer, Kevin Bunn as Assistant Treasurer, and Ned Johnson, as Secretary.

Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Now has numerous upcoming events including: Annual Fall Fundraiser, Human Trafficking Awareness Workshops, NC Human Trafficking Commission Meeting and Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Summit. 

News about opportunities, initiatives

8.1.16 GreenHill_Banner

GreenHill Center for NC Art will exhibit Insistent Objects: Works by Young NC Sculptors, September 2 – November 6, 2016. This is the first sculpture survey organized by GreenHill in a decade, highlighting works in the round by 18 hand-picked young contemporary artists who work, teach, graduated from a MFA program or participated in an artist residency in North Carolina. 

The regular registration rate for the 2016 NC Philanthropy Conference ends Friday, August 5th. The conference will take place August 18th at the Sheraton Charlotte Hotel.

Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF) will celebrate our 2015-2016 year’s program accomplishments on August 6th in Durham with stories from the fields by SAF students, great food from local Durham restaurants, and music by Son Cosita Seria. SAF interns and fellows who have spent their summers in the fields of NC and SC improving conditions for farmworkers will be sharing about their summer experiences at the “Ask A SAFista” table.

SHIFT NC is holding “Take Flight with SHIFT NC” fundraiser, auction and benefit for adolescent sexual health on September 17th in Durham. 

Rockingham County Community Foundation announced another $250,000 of grants from the Dan River Basin Program funded by the Duke Energy Foundation, grant funds are available to nonprofit organizations in the Dan River Area. 


United Way, Sharing House, Retired School Personnel of Transylvania County are joining forces to ‘Stuff the Bus’ for Transylvania County’s K-12 students July 22 through August 20. The collaborative effort brings multiple non-profits together to increase efficiency and boost outcomes for the community.

AFC NC Triad Chapter is holding a NonProfit Consortium Webinar Series on “The Future of Fundraising: How Digital Technologies/Strategies Will Create Your Next Generation Development Operation” on August 11th. 

The Beehive Collective is calling for proposals for their 2016 Large Grant for up to $30,000. This year’s grant will focus on housing and community development.

AFP NC Triad Chapter extended the deadlines for National Philanthropy Day nominations

WakeEd Partnership Stars of Education Dinner/Gala, presented by PNC, will take place on October 12th at the Raleigh Marriott City Center. The event celebrates and honors educators, business volunteers and community leaders who form the backbone for a strong school system in Wake County.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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