News about grants, gifts
Habitat for Humanity of Craven County received a $30,000 grant from the Cannon Foundation to support their renovation project of the ReStore facility in New Bern.
Community Foundation of Henderson County scholarships totaling $180,650 have been awarded to 98 scholars, with many of these awards eligible for renewal for additional years.
Ashe County Community Foundation awarded grants to Appalachian State University, Ashe Arts Council, Ashe Services, Hospitality House, Second Harvest Food Bank and Riverview Community Center.
The Foundation for the Carolina’s THRIVE fund will distribute more than $3.5 million in grants during its latest grant cycle. Recipients will include Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, The Mint Museum, Opera Carolina and the Children’s Theater of Charlotte.
Volunteers from St. Matthew Catholic Church and Elevation Church will pack one million meals in one weekend for hungry children and their families in the greater Charlotte area, Nicaragua, and Haiti. The Million Meal Weekend, July 8-10, will also create the ten millionth meal packed by Servants With a Heart.
Walmart Foundation State Giving Program donated $25,000 to the Durham Rescue Mission to help with food cost.
The Golden LEAF Foundation awarded four-year scholarships to 215 students from 78 rural counties across the state. Each scholarship is worth $3,000 a year for up to 4 years to attend a participating NC college or university, making the scholarship worth up to $12,000 total.
Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont opened a new opportunity campus in west Charlotte, the campus offers a collection of job training and similar services.
News about people, groups
On June 30th, Black Lives Matter Charlotte held an education event held a panel discussion on the future of poor schools in the county.

News about opportunities, initiatives
On June 28th, Facing South will hold a ‘Why Democracy Matters’ forum in Greenville, NC. The forum will highlight need for pro-democracy agenda across the south.
Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge is seeking volunteers for new Sanctuary Project and to assist at Vegan Outreach at Eno River Festival on July 2nd.
The Frances Abbot Burton Powers Fund is accepting grant applications for government entities and nonprofit organizations that benefit the Town of Henderson and have a physical location in Henderson. Grants range from $5,000 to $15,000.
Activate Good is seeking volunteers for a weekend of volunteering commemorating the 15th anniversary of September 11th.
Registration for the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits‘ 2016 Conference is now open. The conference will be held September 21st-23rd at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, RTP.
Guilford County Master Gardeners will hold their 3rd annual Bee Friendly to Bees Day on August 20th. The event will include a love observation, hive, honey-tasting and children’s learning activities.
The Currituck-Dare Community Foundation is currently accepting grant requests for projects to be funded by its community grantmaking fund. Funds are available for non profit organizations that serve in Currituck and Dare counties.
Statarius will offer The 7 Steps of Intentional Leadership – Making Good Bosses Into Great Nonprofit Leaders, a low-cost workshop designed expressly for nonprofit leaders, staff and volunteers, on Tuesday, July 19.
If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to