7.1.19 NC News

Jul 1, 2019 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The Winston-Salem Foundation awards grant to Winston-Salem Urban League, Zach's Toy Chest organizes "Christmas in July" toy drive, UNC-TV partners with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The Winston-Salem Foundation allocated seven grants totaling $189,000 for creative solutions to transportation challenges in Forsyth County.

The North Carolina Community Foundation began disbursing $300,000 in grant awards to support information and public engagement as communities recover from Hurricane Florence. The awarded organizations include Black River Health Services, EducationNC, Enlace Latino, Support the Port, and others.

The Northern Albemarle Community Foundation board of advisors with local nonprofit grant award winners.

The Northern Albemarle Community Foundation and the Women Givers of Northeast NC distributed $34,000 in local grants and scholarships. Some of the awarded organizations include Albemarle Hopeline, Meals on Wheels, Arts of the Albemarle, the Boys & Girls Club of Edenton/Chowan County, and others.

The Winston-Salem Foundation awarded seven grants totaling $189,000 for creative solutions to transportation challenges in Forsyth County. The grantees include Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries, Forsyth Technical Community College, Island CultureZ, The Salvation Army, The Shepherd’s Center of Kernersville, The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem, and the Winston-Salem Urban League.

The North Carolina Community Foundation seeks grant applications from area nonprofits that serve general needs in the Swain, Jones, Pamlico, Wilkes, Rockingham, and Harnett County communities. The deadline for applications is July 23rd. Click here for more information.

Susan G. Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast distributed $350,000 in fundraised dollars through its 2019-2020 Community Health Grants Program. Nine grants were awarded locally to support organizations providing vitally needed breast cancer screening, diagnostic and treatment services and support.

News about people, groups

Zach’s Toy Chest has partnered with Papa Murphy’s Pizza locations in Wake and Cumberland County for a toy drive during the month of July.

Christine Ringuette has been appointed communications manager for Greensboro Urban Ministry.

Kira Blazek-Ziaii will be a featured performer at the Durham event.

The NC Dance Festival’s (NCDF) 2019-2020 season performance dates and featured artists are now available. The NCDF’s 29th season brings professional modern and contemporary dance choreography from local artists to audiences across the state. Click here for more information.

On Thursday, June 27th, UNC-TV aired an ncIMPACT episode titled “Navigating the Outdoor Economy in Southwestern NC.” The episode and accompanying town hall highlighted the connectivity between the outdoor recreation industry and local economy. Individual episodes, web extras, and segments of ncIMPACT can be found here.

United Way of the Greater Triangle named its top 25 workforce supporters for the 2018 campaign. Each of these 25 organizations raised $100,000 or more to support United Way’s work to eradicate poverty and to increase social mobility for Triangle residents. Some of named organizations include Duke Energy, RTI International, First Citizens Bank, Publix Super Markets, Nationwide Insurance, UPS, Golden Corral, Wells Fargo, SunTrust Bank, and others.

The N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources will host a community reading of Fredrick Douglass’ “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July” on Friday, July 5th, at Historic Stagville. The free event will start at 11 am.

News about opportunities, initiatives

UNC-TV Public Media North Carolina received nearly $400,000 from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina for a three-year initiative to bring awareness to the state’s opioid epidemic through unique, creative public programming telling the stories of those affected. The initiative will produce 25 digital short-form segments, three full-length features, 12 podcast episodes, and additional web content.

Frances Oglesby, pictured, holds up a rainbow beach towel to show support for equality.

Affinity Living Group, headquartered in Hickory, launched an initiative to educate its teams and residents around sexuality and gender issues across its more than 120 senior living communities in the Southeast.

AFP NC Triad Chapter will host a webinar titled Digital Envy – Showcasing the Best of Digital Fundraising on Thursday morning, July 11th. Click here for more details.

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits is seeking presenters for their 2019 Homegrown Innovation conference in Winston-Salem to take place December 4th and 5th. Click here for more information.

The Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of the Triangle NC will host a networking event at Boxcar Bar + Arcade in Raleigh oh July 20th starting at 5 pm. The first 30 attendees the choice between a free drink or a $5 token cup.

Dress for Success Triangle is hosting an online sale to benefit unemployed and underemployed Triangle women. Through July 5th at noon all purchases support career services including resume writing, elevator pitch training, interview and employment suiting, professional development classes, and more. Click here for more information.

Registration is now open for I Am A Queen’s annual I Am Free Teen Empowerment Conference taking place Saturday, July 13th in Greensboro. Click here for more information.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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