5.2.16 NC Nonprofit News

May 2, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Triangle Community Foundation recognizes Julia and Frank Daniels, Jr. and Barbara and Jim Goodmon, Meals on Wheels of Wake County receives a service grant from the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger, Triad Health Project hosts 2nd annual Ribbons and Roses event, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Fostering Youth Opportunities collaborative received Triangle Community Foundation’s $25,000 Innovation Award at the 2016 What Matters Community Luncheon: A Region of Opportunity on April 27 at the Raleigh Convention Center.

Meals on Wheels of Wake County has been selected by the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger (NFESH) as one of five nonprofit nutrition programs in the U.S. to receive a service grant to implement NFESH’s innovative food waste solution, The What A Waste project.

News about people, groups

5.2 TCF What MattersTriangle Community Foundation (TCF) hosted over 500 leaders at the 2016 What Matters Community Luncheon: A Region of Opportunity on April 27 in Raleigh. Dr. Tony Iton from the California Endowment was the keynote speaker. TCF presented philanthropic awards, honoring two couples who have shaped our Foundation, our region, and have created a legacy for the future. Julia and Frank Daniels, Jr. accepted the Legacy Award, while Barbara and Jim Goodmon accepted the Catalyst Award. 

Passage Home welcomed Yvonne Holley, Robert S. Matheny and Caroline Sullivan to its board of directors.

5.2 WBGC YOTYThe Wake Boys & Girls Clubs hosted the 7th annual Youth of the Year Luncheon on April 28 in Raleigh. 

Community Workforce Solutions, Inc. (CWS) is raising $50,000 for a food service training kitchen. Through their 50th anniversary event and a recent Casino Night fundraiser, CWS has raised $27,000 toward this goal.

The Arthritis Foundation named Brian M. Curtin, MD of OrthoCarolina the medical honoree of the 2016 Charlotte Walk to Cure Arthritis event on May 21 at Davidson College.

North Carolina New Schools, a nonprofit that has helped coach teachers and principals at nearly 100 high schools in the state and has received millions of dollars in funding, closed on Friday, April 29, due to “financial issues focused on cash flow.”

5.2 Lavallee

Tim Lavallee

5.2 Genschel

Lisa Genschel

The WakeEd Partnership welcomed new staff members Tim Lavallee, VP of Policy and Research, and Lisa Genschel, Office Manager.

The Regional Transportation Alliance business coalition’s 2016 Transportation Breakfast took place on April 29 in Raleigh.

Rebuilding Together of the Triangle and Honeywell have teamed up to assist the Disabled Veteran’s of America Woodrow Wilson Chapter #1 facility in Knightdale. Approximately Honeywell 30 volunteers, with leadership from Rebuilding Together of the Triangle invested $5,000 to repair flooring, replace kitchen cabinetry, install gutters, and complete some painting to improve the facility on April 30.

As part of Cary Family Dental’s Fifth Annual Dentistry From The Heart event, Dr. Allan Acton and a team of dentists, staff and volunteers provided approximately $80,000 in free dental care to 197 adults.

News about opportunities, initiatives

The 6th Annual Rock Your World Benefit Concert fundraiser for Hope for Haiti Foundation and Franconi Anemia Research Fund will take place on Saturday, May 21 in Cary.

The AFP NC Triad Chapter is offering four scholarship opportunities for AFP Membership. AFP will award two scholarships for Professional Membership and two for Young Professional Membership. The deadline for submitting this application is May 15, 2016.

Registration is now open for the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault’s 2016 Young Advocates Institute, July 15-17, 2016 at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro.

Solomon Masala

Solomon Masala

SHIFT NC‘s 2016 statewide conference Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Propelling Adolescent Sexual Health Forward will take place May 11-13 in Durham. This year’s speakers will be Solomon Masala, Karen Rayne and Sam Killermann.

ArtsGreensboro, in partnership with Guilford County Schools, is accepting nominations for the 2016 Arts Education Teacher of the Year Award. The deadline for nominations is May 6.

The 2016 NCTech4Good Conference will take place June 2-3 at the Solution Center, Durham

Burning Coal Theatre Company will present a staged reading of Jason Odell Williams’ new play CHURCH & STATE Wednesday, May 25th at the Murphey School auditorium in Raleigh.  The reading is free with a suggested $5 donation at the door.

5.2 Greensboro Urban Ministry eventMore than 100 restaurants will be participating in Serving Greensboro Together on Tuesday, May 3rd. 10% of their sales on May 3 will be donated to Greensboro Urban Ministry to support Potter’s House Community Kitchen.

The Triad Health Project‘s 2nd Annual Ribbons and Roses event will take place on May 7 in High Point.

The 2016 Triangle Caregivers Conferences will take place on Tuesday, June 21 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh and on Tuesday, June 28 at the Durham Convention Center in Durham.

Student Action with Farmworkers is accepting applications for the Solidaridad internship. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through August 21.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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