5.16.16 NC Nonprofit News

May 16, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Nine organizations in NC and SC share $730,000 in new grants from the Duke Energy Water Resources Fund, DAC receives an NEA $100,000 prize, WomenNC seeks board members, VAE Raleigh's Ignite Conference will take place in June, Chapel Hill Festifall Arts Festival will take place in October, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Nine organizations in North Carolina and South Carolina will share $730,000 in new grants from the Duke Energy Water Resources Fund to improve local water quality. 

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) named the Durham Arts Council as a recipient of an award of $100,000 through the NEA’s Our Town program. The award will support the Durham SmART Vision Plan – utilizing public art and urban design to create an exciting and vibrant Arts and Entertainment Corridor along the downtown streets of Blackwell, Corcoran, and Foster.

The United Arts Council received an Art Works award of $20,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts to fund the Arts Integration Institute, a week-long professional development program for teams composed of classroom and art teachers from Wake County elementary schools.

5.16.16 SAFStudent Action with Farmworkers (SAF) received donations or pledges from 104 individuals, totaling over $8500 to support of SAF’s work preparing young people to secure jobs in the farmworker movement.

A gift of $1 million from the Wyss Charitable Endowment will enhance trauma research and education programs conducted by Carolinas Medical Center‘s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.

News about people, groups

5.16.16 ArtsGreensboroArtsGreensboro hosted Week 2 of the Levitt Amp Greensboro Music Series on May 8th. Bio Ritmo performed with Africa Unplugged for a night of free live music.

On May 10th, HandsOn Northwest North Carolina in partnership with the United Way of Forsyth County, Salem College, and The Winston-Salem Journal presented the 2016 Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards to eleven recipients from across Forsyth County. 

Benevolence Farm launched their  Benevolence Backer Campaign. The campaign seeks $80,000 to support full operations and ensure the farm’s future success. The campaign invites donors to give 1% of the $80,000 goal or 1% of their annual income.

5.16.16 Chowan CountyThe Chowan Community Funds Foundation has named three new advisory board members. Joining the board are BB&T Real Estate Appraiser John Bryant, University of South Carolina Regional Admissions Associate Cynthia Harding, and community volunteer Lynne Layton.

NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina named Tara Romano as its new Executive Director. Romano will join the staff this month.  

The Mint Museum held Yoga at the Mint this past Wednesday, May 11th and Sunday Fun Day on May 15th.

Emily Everett has been named the first Executive Director of the Lung Transplant Foundation. Emily has more than 25 years of nonprofit experience that includes the March of Dimes, American Red Cross and most recently, Stop Hunger Now.

The FaithAction ID orientation and drive took place in Greensboro on Friday, May 13th. The drive provided identification for any resident in the community who may not have access to government-issued forms of ID and for those who support the mission and work of FaithAction.

5.16.16 Winston Salem FoundationSylvia Oberle of Habitat for Humanity Forsyth County received the Winston-Salem Foundation Award for her service to the organization.

Christine Byrd joined the Children’s Home Society of North Carolina as the Director of Grants Management.

Michael Campbell, former president and chief executive of Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County, Fla., has been named the new Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County

News about opportunities, initiatives

The North Carolina Museum of History will host a variety of summer programming beginning June 1st. Events include History Corner: Clayful Creations, History Hunters: From Dirt to Dish, Storytime in the Gallery, and more. 

The Orange County Arts Commission will host their next Artists’ Salon on May 20th. The topic will be “Independent Contractor Law – Issues and Rights” with a guest presentation by attorney Shelia A. Huggins, PLLC. 

5.16.16 IntraHealthThe World Economic Forum and IntraHealth International will host Financing the Sustainable Development Goals through Public-Private Partnerships on May 24th during the 69th World Health Assembly. A high-level panel featuring ministers of health and CEOs will address the political actions required to finance universal health coverage. 

On May 20th, the International Coaching Federation Raleigh Chapter will host The HeART of Coaching to celebrate International Coaching Week. 

On May 17th, the Triangle Nonprofit Communicators will host an event called “Get Social Media Savvy.” Attendees will discuss social media best practices. 

The Seventh Annual Rock Your World benefit concert on Saturday, May 21st at RallyPoint Sport Grill in Cary will feature rock band Nantucket. With every $20 ticket donation, patrons will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win $2,000 in cash. One-hundred percent of donations will go to Hope for Haiti Foundation and Fanconi Anemia Research Fund.

5.16.16 Leadership TriangleLeadership Triangle will host Leadership Triangle Over Lunch with Chef Scott Howell on June 8th. The luncheon series is sponsored by the Triangle Community Foundation.

Artsplosure Raleigh Arts Festival will be held May 20th-22nd and will be needing volunteers to help coordinate the event.

Chapel Hill’s Festifall Arts Festival is taking place this year on Saturday, October, 1st. The family-friendly street festival will include a juried art show, musical acts, food vendors, and non-profit groups. They will be receiving applications to get involved in this year’s festivities until May 31st.

The 2016 Ignite Creative Conference by Visual Art Exchange, held June 3rd and 4th in Raleigh, NC will feature two prizes for artists registered for the conference. The Ignite Creativity Fellowship and Lighter Fluid Prizes are a chance for artists to make a creative difference in their communities. 

WomenNC is currently looking for 2016-2018 Board Members to advocate for women’s rights in North Carolina.

The Annual Carolinas Planned Giving Conference by the North Carolina and South Carolina Planned Giving Councils will take place September 13-14 in Hendersonville, North Carolina. The keynote speaker, Deb Ashton the 2007 keynote speaker, will return by popular request. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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