5.15.17 NC Nonprofit News

May 15, 2017 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The Carolinas Credit Union Foundation donates $20,000 to the Disaster Relief Fund at North Carolina Community Foundation, United Way of Henderson County hosts annual Days of Caring, AFP Triad Chapter is accepting nominations for the 2017 National Philanthropy Day Awards, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The Carolinas Credit Union Foundation presented a donation of $20,000 to the Disaster Relief Fund at North Carolina Community Foundation and $20,000 to the One SC Relief Fund, housed at the Central Carolina Community Foundation to support continued Hurricane Matthew recovery efforts.

Thanks to a generous matching grant from the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation, ArtsGreensboro will present 10 weeks of free concerts at Barber Park every Saturday starting June 3 through August 5.

Band Together wrapped up its 2017 YMCA of the Triangle partnership on May 6th with a concert featuring Ben Folds before more than 3,500 concertgoers, and the presentation of a check for $1.3 million to the YMCA. Including this weekend’s event, the organization has raised nearly $8 million for the Triangle community with their partners to date.

The Biogen Foundation’s “Ignite the Power of STEM” program awarded more than $125,000 in 39 grants to support science education programs and projects in schools across North Carolina. The program was administered by the North Carolina Community Foundation.

The Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership received a $100,000 charitable grant from GSK to support four 2017–18 Kenan Fellows from elementary schools in Orange County Schools and the Wake County Public School System.

Women’s Impact Fund granted a combined $440,000 to the Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation, Matthews Free Medical Clinic, ourBRIDGE for KIDS, Supportive Housing Communities and WINGS for Kids, Inc. This brings the total number of grants given by the organization to 64 and a collective contribution of more than $5 million to address critical needs in the community.

News about people, groups

Fayetteville Technical Community College Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Services Dr. David Brand was awarded the prestigious Aspen Presidential Fellowship for Community College Excellence. As one of 40 community college leaders chosen from across the country, Dr. Brand will embark on a year-long fellowship in July 2017.

The board of advisors of the Futrell-Mauldin Community Foundation for Greater Rocky Mount hosted the Tar River Food & Wine Festival on Thursday, April 27 at Rose Hill Plantation in Nashville. The festival brought together more than 300 attendees and 18 food, wine and beer vendor participants to raise more than $32,000 to benefit the Futrell-Mauldin Community Grantmaking Fund, which grants over $50,000 to nonprofits in the greater Rocky Mount area each year.

United Way of Henderson County recruited more than 200 volunteers throughout the community for their annual Days of Caring May 12th and 13th to help make a meaningful impact in the community.

21 men and 8 women received certificates of completion from the Durham Rescue Mission’s one-year recovery program at a special ceremony held in the Storr Chapel in Durham on May 9th.

News about opportunities, initiatives

AFP Triad Chapter is now accepting nominations for the 2017 National Philanthropy Day Awards. The deadline to make a nomination is June 30th. 

Triangle Dentistry: Smith, Tart & Associates of North Raleigh will host their second annual Dentistry from the Heart day on Saturday, June 24, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Triangle Dentistry office in Raleigh.

The 8th annual NCTech4Good Conference will take place June 6 & 7 at The Solution Center in Durham.

The Guilford Green Foundation will host a Takeover at Bender’s Tavern May 19th from 5:30 to 7:30pm.

Artsplosure – The Raleigh Arts Festival 2017 will take place May 19-21 in downtown Raleigh.

The 2017 Triangle Golf Challenge Tournament will be held on Friday, June 16th at Croasdaile Country Club in Durham. Proceeds will benefit The Banks Foundation and Communities in Schools Durham

The 2017 NC Bike/Walk Summit will take place in Wilmington on November 3-4. 

ArtsGreensboro is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Betty Cone Medal of Arts, the most prestigious local award presented to artists. Nominations for the medal, including up to four letters of support, are due to ArtsGreensboro no later than 5 pm on Wednesday, May 31st.

The North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault will host their 2017 statewide sexual assault conference “From Premise to Practice: Applying a Comprehensive Trauma Lens” May 16th through May 18th in at The Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center in Winston-Salem.

The 2017 Chair Affair auction to benefit The Barnabas Network will be held at the new Tracks Bazaar in Greensboro on Thursday, June 1st from 6-9pm.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com

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