5.1.17 NC Nonprofit News

May 1, 2017 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The Durham Rescue Mission held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the James T. Ball, Jr. Family Student Housing, MiracleFeet received a $5 million grant from the Oak Foundation over five years to help end the disability caused by untreated clubfoot in low-income countries, The Triangle Race for the Cure will be on May 6th at the Frontier Research Triangle Park, and more

News about grants, gifts

Photo Credit – MerlinTuttle.org

Duke Energy Foundation will award $50,000 to support efforts by Bat Conservation International to address major threats to bats including the deadly fungal disease, White-nose Syndrome.

The Lee County Community Foundation established the Holzwarth Family Endowment, which will benefit the Jonesboro United Methodist Church, the Christian United Outreach Center and the Salvation Army Sanford Service Center.

MiracleFeet received a $5 million grant from the Oak Foundation over five years to help end the disability caused by untreated clubfoot in low-income countries.

Carolinas HealthCare System received a surprise community challenge gift from the Leon Levine Foundation of $1 million.

News about people, groups

The Durham Rescue Mission held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the James T. Ball, Jr. Family Student Housing, an affordable student housing facility for clients who are continuing their education.

The Triangle Land Conservancy opened the new 613-acre George and Julia Brumley Family Nature Preserve on April 22nd. 

The Greensboro Urban Ministry‘s #FeedGSO event raised the equivalent of 71,950 pounds of food to food local men, women, and families who do not have adequate access to food. 

Transitions LifeCare elected three new members to its board of directors:  Susan Catchings, Zeke Creech, and Charles Kabugo-Musoke. Each member will serve a three-year term.

The Habitat for Humanity of Alamance County ReStore in Mebane celebrated its one year anniversary in the past week. 

Chiesi USA was the signature sponsor of the 2017 Triangle March for Babies Walk & 5K Run that took place Saturday, April 29 in Morrisville.

Training Industry, Inc. as part of National Volunteer Week collaborated with the American Red Cross to hold a blood drive in Raleigh on April 25th for employees and corporate neighbors. 

The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship awarded Fayetteville Technical Community College as the national winner of the Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge College of Excellence Award. 

Nearly 600 people aattended the Triangle Community Foundation’s 2017 What Matters Community Luncheon: Our Kids on Wednesday, April 26 at the Raleigh Convention Center. Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. and Easter Maynard were honored with philanthropic awards at the event, and guests heard from keynote speaker Sonia Manzano, of Sesame Street fame.

The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation established the Darryl Hunt Memorial Scholarship – a scholarship fund set up at The Winston-Salem Foundation in the amount of $100,000, to honor the life and legacy of Darryl Eugene Hunt. These scholarships will be awarded to individuals in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County who have been convicted of a criminal offense, have served a jail or prison sentence, and are seeking higher education. 

The Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of the Triangle hosted its third annual #NonprofitSTRONG Summit, presented by the Triangle Community Foundation, in Durham on April 28th.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Third Space Studio will host Better Meetings Training a day of training, conversation, and activity designed to help plan and facilitate better meetings, on June 16th in Research Triangle Park.

United Way of Henderson County (UWHC) will host an information session at Dandelion Eatery on May 1st on Rising Leaders, UWHC’s free leadership development program.

The Family Abuse Service of Alamance County will hold its 7th Annual Purple Ribbon Gala on May 6th. 

Catering to Cats and Dogs will hold a “Fur Ball” for people and their pets to come together to benefit the organization on May 20th. 

The Triangle Race for the Cure, locally presented by Duke Cancer Institute, will be on May 6th at the Frontier Research Triangle Park.

Registration is now open for the 2017 Raleigh & Durham Caregivers Summit, the event will be held on June 13th in Raleigh and June 20th in Durham.

Dr. Gary Christopher Martin is hosting “Dentistry From The Heart” event which will provide adults with free dental care on May 6th in Raleigh. 

Scholarship opportunities are still available for Durham Art’s Council‘s Summer Arts Camps. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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