4.6.15 NC Nonprofit News

Apr 6, 2015 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The Fletcher Foundation approves 9 grants, Band Together partners with StepUp, WomenNC holds a post UN Conference symposium, Charlotte Jazz Arts Initiative prepares for its annual JazzArts Music Camp, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The Fletcher Foundation Board of Directors voted to approve 9 grants totaling $1,059,000 (including multi-year grants). To learn more, click here.

The Komen Wilmington Race for the Cure raised more than $179,000 for the fight against breast cancer. Read more.

Foundation For The Carolinas saw extraordinary growth in 2014. Charitable assets for the community foundation rose to nearly $1.7 billion, the highest in its history. Grants to nonprofit organizations from Foundation-held funds rose to a record $316 million. Follow the link.

The Cherokee Preservation Foundation (CPF) recently awarded 23 new grants totaling over $2.4 million, continuing its mission to improve the quality of life for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) and the surrounding region. Read more.

News about people, groups

Charlotte based builder Eastwood Homes was recognized as Builder of the Year by the Home Builders Association of Charlotte.  This coveted designation is awarded annually to a company that excels in all facets of the home building industry. Read more.

Last April, Barium Springs and Grandfather Home for Children merged, making the combined agency one of the largest child service providers in North Carolina.  On Monday, March 30, the two agencies began operating as one cohesive organization under the name “Children’s Hope Alliance.” Read more.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Jazz Arts Music Camp

Students at Jazz Arts Initiative’s annual JazzArts Music Camp

Charlotte’s Jazz Arts Initiative is gearing up for its annual JazzArts Music Camp coming June 15 – 19, 2015  at UNC Charlotte Center City Campus. The camp is an one-week comprehensive music training program for students grades 7 – 12.

“Champion” at Band Together NC’s fifth-annual philanthropic musical showdown known as “Last Band Standing” is set to take stage on Friday, April 10 at Lincoln Theatre in downtown Raleigh. The event aims to raise proceeds to support Band Together’s 2015 nonprofit partnership with StepUp Ministry.

Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro will celebrate 35 years of service to the community. To kick of its anniversary, HPCG is asking readers to share stories about HPCG’s impact on their lives. If you have a story, click the link to share.

WakeMed Health & Hospitals has announced an expanded collaboration with Ronald McDonald House of Durham by offering five bedrooms to support the families of its pediatric and neonatal intensive care patients.  The new Ronald McDonald House, scheduled to begin operations on April 15, will be located within WakeMed’s Heart Center Inn. For more, click here.

Passage Home has partnered with the J.D. Lewis Multi-Purpose Center to raise $250,000 in 2015 for their “Building A Stronger Raleigh Together” campaign. A pop-up VIP event will be held May 2 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at to kick off fundraising for the campaign. Click here for more.

Registration is open for the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Campaign of North Carolina Conference. To learn more about dates and speakers, follow the link.

The Triangle Community Foundation is now accepting proposals for Awareness and Public Benefit Grants in Environmental Conservation. Read more.

More than 50 regional potters will participate in the Potters of the Piedmont Pottery Festival Saturday April 11th from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. Potters of the Piedmont is proud to partner with Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Feast of Caring and Mosaic-A Lifespan Studio.

Witness for Peace Southeast held its 29th annual Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace during Holy Week, March 29 through April 3. The pilgrimage began in Morganton on Palm Sunday and made its way across the state passing through several cities, including Siler City, Burlington, Graham, Greensboro, High Point, and Raleigh. Click the link to learn more.

The Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter (LFANC) needs 100 volunteers to help in various functions at its 14th Annual Walk to End Lupus Now: Charlotte. The Walk will be held on Saturday, May 16 at Central Piedmont Community College – Belk Plaza located at 425 North Kings Drive in Charlotte.

The Community Blood Center of the Carolinas (CBCC) will be teaming up with Baxter Village and Cookies for Kids’ Cancer at the “Helping Hands of Baxter Village Hall Blood Drive” on Sunday, April 12.

The Me Fine Foundation has announced High Cotton, a Raleigh-based men’s apparel brand, has dedicated a tie from their Spring line to benefit the non-profit. The Kelly Maybank striped bow tie and neck tie will be the official “Me Fine Tie” with 30% of all purchases of the tie donated to the Me Fine Foundation.

The American Heart Association encouraged everyone in the Triad to lace up for their heart health and get moving on National Walking Day on Wednesday, April 1. People were encouraged to use the hashtag #TriadLaceUp to share pictures and get active. Read more.

Durham Rescue Mission held an Easter Community Dinner and Basket Give Away for At Risk Youth on Friday, April 3. This annual event is held to reach out a helping hand to the homeless and working poor. Click here for more.

Registration is now open for the Triangle Caregivers Conference which will be held in June in both Raleigh and Durham. Read more.

WomenNC will hold a symposium on April 9th entitled Global-to-Local: Reflections on the U.N. in which the 2015 fellows will reflect on their experience at the 2015 U.N. Conference on the Status of Women and Girls. For more, click here.

Camp Kesem North Carolina, an organization dedicated to helping children through and beyond their parent’s cancer, announces its annual Make the Magic event on Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Big Boss Brewery in Raleigh, N.C. Click here for more.

The Orange County Arts Commission is presenting a design competition for an original poster to celebrate the Commission’s 30th year serving Orange County. The poster should reflect the arts community. Follow the link for more.

Triangle ArtWorks practical learning series continues in April with Brian Sullivan of Wyrick Robbins reviewing with attendees the types of contracts that visual arts often encounter and much more. Read more.

In conjunction with Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, the Lucy Daniels Center (LDC) will hold its second annual “Inside Out” 5K Run/Walk for Children’s Mental Health on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Proceeds from the event will directly benefit the Center’s Family Support Fund. Click here fore more.

UNC will be holding its 2015 UNC Science Expo in April 11th as a part of the NC Science Festival. Visit ncsciencefestival.org for more.

Join Second Chance Pet Adoptions as they celebrate UNCONDITIONAL – the unique bond between humans and their companion pets.  Hosted by ArtSource Fine Art Gallery, UNCONDITIONAL includes donations or artwork by over 20 local artists. Click here for more. 

Durham’s Partnership for Children (the Partnership) and Durham Public Schools (DPS) are co-hosting Durham’s first Kindergarten Registration Week, April 12th-18th. This community-wide effort is part of Durham’s Transition to Kindergarten (TTK) Initiative, a collaborative project of the Partnership and DPS that prepares children, families and schools for a successful entrance into kindergarten from formal pre-school programs or home settings.

Audacity Factory has joined NC State’s Centennial Campus, in what is the organizations first physical footprint with the new location. Audacity Factory is partnering with the Institute for Nonprofits to serve as the university’s first incubator dedicated solely to social impact ventures. To learn more, visit the link.

The wildflower beds lining North Carolina’s highways took center stage at the Wildflower Awards Banquet ceremony in Raleigh as NCDOT celebrated 30 years of beautifying North Carolina’s roadsides. The annual awards, sponsored by The Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc., recognized the efforts of NCDOT staff who carry out North Carolina’s wildflower program and enhance the overall appearance and environmental quality of the state’s highways.

ArtsGreensboro, in partnership with Guilford County Schools (GCS), has announced the 2015 Arts Education Teacher of the Year Award. The award, established in 2006, recognizes an outstanding arts educator in the Guilford County School System. Read more.

On Thursday, April 2, Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina began a month-long campaign – Give Wishes Wings – which focuses on the unique and critical need Make-A-Wish has for airline miles. The campaign will encourage travelers who have unused airline miles to consider donating them to help grant the more than 75% of Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina wishes that require travel. Click here.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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