4.27.15 NC Nonprofit News

Apr 27, 2015 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Teach for America - Eastern North Carolina celebrates 25 years, Michael Franti headlines Band Together and Step Up Ministry's benefit concert, Lucy Daniels Center to hold ribbon cutting ceremony for new teaching garden, Dr. Kastan honored with Shooting Star award, and more.

News about grants, gifts

On Sunday, April 19th, the Seventh Annual Walk to End Lupus Now, hosted by the Lupus Foundation of America-NC Chapter, raised more than $83,000 to support lupus programs and services.

Susan G. Komen® North Carolina Triangle to the Coast (NCTC) has given $545,635 in grant funding to 12 community organizations conducting breast health services and education projects for the under-served, under-insured and uninsured populations in its 29-county service area in eastern and central North Carolina.

The V Foundation for Cancer Research is pleased to announce two pediatric cancer research grants to be awarded from the net proceeds of the 10th Annual Dick Vitale Gala.  This year’s grants will include $250,000 in memory of Lauren Hill and $200,000 in memory of Dillon Simmons.  The event will be held on Friday, May 15, at the Ritz-Carlton in Sarasota, Florida.  The Gala has raised more than $12 million for pediatric cancer research in its nine-year history.

Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) announced that Dr Pepper Snapple (DPS) and national non-profit KaBOOM! awarded a $13,200 Let’s Play Improvement Grant for use in purchasing an Imagination Playground in a Cart™, an innovative playground equipment system.

News about people, groups

Passage Home, an organization committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness in Wake County, held a ceremony honoring program participants who have experienced personal and professional success through the nonprofit. Youth academic achievers, BOOST program graduates and an Outstanding Passage Home Partner were recognized on April 16. Read more.


Michael B. Kastan, MD, PhD

In honor of his work in pediatric cancer, the 2015 Shooting Star Award was presented to Michael B. Kastan, MD, PhD, executive director of the Duke Cancer Institute at the Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina’s annual black-tie Wish Ball on Saturday, April 18th. Read more.

Attorney General Eric Holder presented the 2015 Special Courage Award to Chapel Hill resident Jennifer Thompson and her friend and colleague Ronald Cotton on Tuesday, as part of its annual National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony and National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. Jennifer Thompson is taking another courageous step forward by establishing Healing Justice. It is the first such program in the country that aims to promote healing in the aftermath of wrongful convictions for exonerated former prisoners, victims and survivors of the original crimes, subsequent victims of the actual perpetrators and their families.

ArtsGreensboro Board members Denny Kelly and Josephus Thompson III are chairing the 2015 ArtsFund campaign, which enables ArtsGreensboro to provide over $1.2 million in comprehensive support to over 60 local arts organizations, projects, teachers, and artists every year.
Linda Staunch has been appointed chair of the statewide board of directors of the North Carolina Community Foundation (NCCF). Staunch is president and CEO of Linda Staunch & Associates, a public relations/marketing communications business based in New Bern. She is well-known for her television show, “Around Town…with Linda Staunch,” which appeared for 15 years on the FOX network in eastern North Carolina and on the local Craven County cable channel. She is a past president and charter member of the board of advisors of the Craven County Community Foundation, an affiliate of NCCF.
Compass Group USA proudly announces its new Sustainability Platform which advances its efforts to better protect and manage our food sources and the people who harvest and grow those sources. Click here to view the full report.
The Durham Arts Council congratulates the talented student participants of the 4th District 2015 Congressional High School Art Competition. All the participants were recognized and winners were announced by Congressman David Price at the awards reception held on Monday, April 20th at the City of Raleigh Museum.
The Greater Raleigh Chamber is pleased to announce that Greg McNamara is the new vice president of Small Business and Member Services for the Chamber. In this role, McNamara will work with volunteers to provide programs that help member businesses grow and prosper, through networking, marketing, business training, and leadership development. Additionally, McNamara will represent the interests of the Chamber’s small business members and lead programming specifically for female and young professionals.

Foundation For The Carolinas has announced the selection of Gensler as associate architect for the renovation of the Carolina Theatre at Belk Place. Gensler is a top-ranked global design firm with local offices in uptown Charlotte. With a network of 4,800 professionals, Gensler partners with clients to create more livable cities and smarter workplaces.

ArtsGreensboro, in partnership with Guilford County Schools (GCS), is pleased to offer the 2015 Arts Education Teacher of the Year Award. The award, established in 2006, recognizes an outstanding arts educator in the Guilford County School System. The award will be presented at a Guilford County School Board of Education Meeting on May 28. The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 1st. Read more.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Jimall Rice, senior at Roanoke Early College HS, speaks at the Teach for America-Eastern North Carolina's 25th anniversary event

Jimall Rice, senior at Roanoke Early College HS, speaks at the Teach for America-Eastern North Carolina’s 25th anniversary event

On April 18, Teach For America–Eastern North Carolina marked its 25th year of partnership with students, families, schools and local communities at an event in Chapel Hill. A special year of programming is planned to celebrate Teach For America–Eastern North Carolina’s  anniversary, including local community events across Teach For America’s 16 district partners in the region.

Helping Animals To Survive (HATS) has launched its new Barn Cat Adoption Program to move Lincoln County one step closer to becoming a No Kill community. Before the recent advent of this new HATS program, 100% of all cats labeled as feral were automatically killed after a state mandated three day hold period, even when healthy or treatable, upon entering Lincoln County Animal Services (LCAS).

Band Together NC, a Triangle-based organization that uses live music as a platform for social change, has announced singer-songwriter-guitarist, filmmaker and humanitarian Michael Franti and his band, Spearhead, as its headlining band for this year’s Main Event. The concert will be held June 27 at Red Hat Amphitheater and will benefit Band Together’s partnership with StepUp Ministry.

The Lucy Daniels Center, a non-profit focused on providing mental health services to young children and their families in the Triangle, will join communities across the nation in participating in Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week with an event on May 2. There will be the Inside Out 5K Run/Walk for Children’s Mental Health and  a ribbon cutting ceremony for Community Therapeutic Teaching Garden.

The Petty Family Foundation is proud to sponsor Operation North State’s 1st Annual ”Randleman Lake – Top Shelf Fishin’ Festival”, set for Tuesday, May 19, from 8am until 5pm (rain or shine). The goal of the “Fishin’ Festival” is to honor North Carolina’s Wounded Warriors and Disabled Veterans.

The Hearing Loss and Accessibility Expo will take place Tuesday, April 28th in Cary for anyone who is interested in learning more about accommodations for people with a hearing loss. This event will allow participants to learn about the latest in technology and resources to assist with accessibility at home, work, or recreation. There will be presentations as well as vendors available to answer questions about their newest services or products.

Books (and talking animals and congressional bills and a tin man and a toy china rabbit) come alive at Children’s Theatre of Charlotte in the 2015-16 season, with a lineup that includes adaptations of some of the most popular titles and fairy tales, including three productions making their world premiere.

The Harris YMCA will host Ramblin’ Rose South Charlotte, a Women’s Triathlon Tour, on June 7th to celebrate the empowerment of women.

Love Food? Love Art? The Amazing Taste: A Progressive Dinner at Levine Center for the Arts has a little something for everyone. Foodies and arts lovers join for this first-of-its-kind collaboration between Charlotte’s cultural crown jewels! Enjoy appetizers at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture, dinner at Mint Museum Uptown, and dessert, coffee, and performance at Blumenthal Performing Arts’ Knight Theater, with a menu crafted by Charlotte’s own Something Classic Catering.

WomenNC proudly co-sponsored Ritu Sharma’s book reading of Teach a Woman to Fish, at Quail Ridge Books on April 25th. Ritu Sharma is co-founder and former President of Women Thrive Worldwide, a non-profit women’s advocacy group that brings women’s voices from around the world to decision makers in Washington, DC.

The 2015 NCTech4Good Technical Conference and Workshop will be held on Thursday and Friday, June 4 and 5. The conference is designed to help nonprofit organizations, small businesses and consultants promote their missions, build relationships, use data more effectively, improve their Websites, and generally improve communication.
Converting Hearts Ministries invites friends, supporters, current and past residents as well as their families are invited to join us for a fun filled day at the CHM Aiken Farm in Wake Forest on Saturday May 2nd.
Tuesday, April 28th, Patrick Jane’s Gourmet Pizza Bar, a sponsor for the Purple Cloth 5K, will be donating proceeds from sales to the event. The 4th Annual Purple Cloth 5K & Kid’s Dash will take place May 2nd.
Community leaders from across the Triangle and Triad are gearing up once again to participate in the fourth annual Sort-A-Rama on May 21st – the signature annual volunteer event by the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, which provides food for people at risk of hunger in 34 counties in central and eastern North Carolina.
The Cherokee Preservation Foundation (CPF) will host its annual Community Celebration on Thursday, May 7, 2015. The Community Celebration is an event for members of the Cherokee community to see the various projects funded by the CPF throughout the year. This year’s theme focuses on how to preserve, enhance, and create through the use of technology.
The Carolinas Raleigh Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has announced the launch of Great Strides, a national walk held in hundreds of cities. Cary and Apex as well as Raleigh will hold their walks on May 16th. Read more.
 On Tuesday, May 5th  Greensboro Urban Ministry’s is partnering with Serving Greensboro Together.  This year’s event features 100 participating restaurants who have agreed to contribute 10% of sales this day to Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Potter’s House Community Kitchen. Click the link for more.
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Campaign of North Carolina is celebrating theirr 30th birthday with a special Enchantment Under the Sea 30th Birthday Celebration on May 21st in Greensboro, NC. This event is open to the public and will coincide with their Annual Conference (Theme: Back to the Future: 30 Years and Beyond). Read more.
The deadline to submit nominations for the 2015 North Carolina Awards, the highest civilian honor bestowed by the state, has been extended to Friday, May 8, 2015. Click here for more.

On Saturday, April 25 at Perimeter Park, family and corporate teams from the Triangle and surrounding areas joined together in the March of Dimes annual March for Babies walk. There was also a 5K run before the walk. Both March for Babies and Run for Babies are chaired by local business leaders Steve Burriss, interim President, Rex Healthcare and Sylvia Hackett, Vice President of Human Resources and the Rex Healthcare Foundation.  Multiple events will take place across the state from April to November aiming to raise more than $1 million. Follow the link for more.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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