4.22.19 NC News

Apr 22, 2019 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Foundation For The Carolinas awards more than $1.5 million in their second round of Hurricane Florence Response Fund grants, Dan Gerlach to step down as President of the Golden LEAF Foundation, registration opens for the 2019 Bringing it Home: Ending Homelessness conference, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Foundation For The Carolinas (FFTC) awarded more than $1.5 million to 26 organizations focused on short-term and long-term relief, recovery or rebuilding assistance for Hurricane Florence-impacted areas in North and South Carolina in their second round of Hurricane Florence Response Fund grants. In total, FFTC has awarded more than $2.25 million to groups aiding victims of the hurricane.

Guilford Green Foundation & LGBTQ Center raised about $27,000 during their March Gala to renovate a new, 1,800 square foot space in downtown Greensboro, where they plan to relocate by the end of the year. The property offers more space and room to grow, as well as greater accessibility, as it is located on a ground floor, with handicapped parking out front and two nearby bus stops.

The Black Philanthropy Initiative (BPI) of The Winston-Salem Foundation is now accepting grant proposals for its 2019 grant cycle. Through engagement and encouragement, BPI educates people to utilize their philanthropic strengths of time, talent and treasure to impact meaningful change and address identified needs in the black community. The 2019 Grant Guidelines and application are available here. All applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on May 15th, 2019.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina is committing $346,500 to the Fostering Bright Futures program over the next three years, to help students who have “aged out” of the foster care system. Currently, there are 30 students in Fostering Bright Futures. The gift will allow the program to serve 60 and to expand core program components.

The Moore County Community Foundation awarded $15,000 in recovery grants from the North Carolina Community Foundation Disaster Relief Fund to support the long-term recovery of the local community from Hurricane Florence. Receiving the grants is Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills, Inc. for disaster relief and recovery in Moore County due to Hurricane Florence.

The Onslow Caring Communities Foundation awarded $56,000 in recovery grants from the North Carolina Community Foundation Disaster Relief Fund. Organizations receiving grants are: Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity, Inc.; The Salvation Army of Jacksonville; the Onslow Women’s Center; and Onslow Community Outreach.

News about people, groups

HandsOn Northwest North Carolina in partnership with the United Way of Forsyth County, Salem College, and The Winston-Salem Journal presented the 2019 Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards to fifteen recipients from across Forsyth County. Award recipients are: The Shepherd’s Center Singers (Group/Team); Joseph Turner (Senior); The Legendary Labelers-Frank Young & Michael Collison (Perseverance in Volunteerism); Darlene Talbot (Faith-Based); HanesBrands (Corporate/Business); Moriah Gendy (National Service); Camilla Washington (Veterans and Military Families); Richard Gray (Serving Youth); Maya Agger (Disaster); Elite Canine’s Comfort Dogs (Animals); Deanna Perez (Cultural); Liz Price (Environment); Charles Poteat (Health and Human Services); People’s Choice Award winner Myrtie Davis (Lifetime Achievement); Robin Pardella (Director of Volunteers). 

Dan Gerlach, President of the Golden LEAF Foundation for the past 10 years, is resigning his position effective May 3rd. Gerlach leaves to serve as interim chancellor of East Carolina University, effective May 6th. Ted Lord, Senior Vice President/Staff Attorney of the Foundation, will serve as acting president effective May 6th. Mr. Lord has served at the Golden LEAF Foundation for over 13 years.

On April 25th, Wheels4Hope will be open for business at 411/415 East Durham Road in Cary. The new space allows Wheels4Hope to expand their services and serve more people in the Triangle.

Greensboro Urban Ministry named Kathleen Smith as the incoming Director of Development effective April 1st. Kathleen is a 13 year resident of Greensboro, and a development veteran with over 20 years fundraising and development experience.

The North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics presented state-level awards to outstanding individuals and law enforcement agencies that support Special Olympics in North Carolina at the 2019 Torch Run conference in Morehead City. 

News about opportunities, initiatives

The Good Fire Roadshow, presented by the NC Climate Justice Collective and the Energy Justice NC coalition, takes place April 23rd in Whitakers, April 25th in Goldsboro, April 27th in Maxton, and April 28th in Hamlet.

BikeWalk NC will hold their Lobby Day on April 30th in Raleigh. Cycling, walking and active transportation advocates will meet with state legislators to share the importance of support safe infrastructure for people biking and walking. Click here to register.

IntraHealth International will host SwitchPoint April 25th and 26th at The Haw River Ballroom in Saxapahaw. 

Nonprofit Accounting for Fundraisers, a joint webinar hosted by AFP NC Triad Chapter and Guilford Nonprofit Consortium, will take place Thursday, May 9th from 8:30 am – 10:00 am at the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, and from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm at GoodWill Industries of Northwest NC in Winston Salem.

The Tar River Center for History and Culture at Louisburg College presents Blackbeard: Pirate Enemy Number One, a lecture by Dr. Elliot Engel, Distinguished Professor, Author, Lecturer – North Carolina State University. The lecture takes place Thursday, May 2 at 7:00 pm in Louisburg. Click here for more information.

Registration is now open for the 2019 Bringing it Home: Ending Homelessness conference in NC. The conference takes place May 21 and 22 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh.

Dr. Bikram Singh will host a Dentistry From The Heart Event providing adults with free dental care at Cary Dental Rejuvenation on July 19th. They will try to see the first 50 patients on a first-come, first-served basis.

SHIFT NC‘s 2019 Conference on Adolescent Sexual Health will take place May 15th-17th in Greensboro. This year’s theme is Diving Below the Surface: Exploring the Depths of Adolescent Sexual Health. The registration deadline is Wednesday, May 8th.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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