4.18.16 NC Nonprofit News

Apr 18, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Prevention Partners hosts its Healthy Together NC Prevention Academy, Familes Moving Forward to benefit from an evening of shopping at Talbots, Strowd Roses, Inc. to reach $5 million grant milestone, United Way of Henderson County recruits new members for its next Rising Leaders program, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The Hispanic League awarded 42 scholarships this year and celebrated the scholars and the Latino community at its 17th Annual Spanish Nite Gala on April 16th.

Strowd Roses, Inc. will reach an impressive milestone of $5 million in grants to local nonprofits in its 15th year. During this year’s spring grant cycle, Strowd distributed nearly $123,000 to 27 nonprofits that support arts and culture, education and literacy, youth employment and leadership, immigrants and a living wage in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro community.

The 1998 Student Action with Farmworkers Alum Tony Macias raised the most funds during this year’s Best Class Ever competition during National Farmworker Awareness Week. Tony secures this title for the Class of 1998 (for one year). Alumni Felicia Arriaga and Ricky Bratz also raised funds for awareness of farmworkers and SAF’s work this year. Together, the three alumni raised $3005 from 69 individuals.

News about people, groups

On Thursday, April 14th, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Triangle NC Chapter held a Mythbusting CFRE with “everything you ever wanted to know about this non-profit certification.” Attendees heard from local professionals who have their CFRE and asked questions while networking with fellow AFPers in the Triangle.

4.18 prevention partners originalPrevention Partners hosted its Healthy Together NC Prevention Academy in Raleigh, on Wednesday, April 6th. The event was sponsored by Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, Novo Nordisk, and Prevention Partners.

The Wade Edwards Foundation & Learning Lab has appointed eight new board members to its board of trustees. The board of trustees welcomes Allison Crumpler, James Gladden, Colette Giffin, Todd Hancock, Ruth Heuer, Mollie Hodl, Marcey Rader, and Victoria Vojnovich.

Southern Pines Grows Great Readers, now known as the Moore County Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, is being honored as a Pacesetter by the national Campaign for Grade-Level Reading for making measurable progress on eliminating barriers faced by children from low-income families on the path to becoming proficient readers.

The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina named Amy Dorsey Beros the new Vice President of Development. Beros joined the Food Bank in 2014 as the Major Gifts Officer and will now lead all aspects of fund development across the 34-county service area.

On April 16th, The Mint Museum Uptown showcased Here & Now, the first survey exhibition of photography drawn solely from the Mint’s permanent collection and comprised of around 215 of the Mint’s photographs. 

For the duration of Volunteer Week, in Asheville and across the Carolinas, local SUBWAY restaurant owners saluted approximately 2,000 Habitat for Humanity volunteers by providing boxed lunches at Habitat work sites.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Learn more about Triangle Family Services at a social event on Wednesday, April 20th in Raleigh. RSVP to egill@tfsnc.orgby Monday 4/18 to be entered to win 2 Pearl Jam tickets with a parking pass for the show 4/20 (following the event) at the PNC Arena.

4.18.16 International HouseThree groups of international leaders will be visiting Charlotte in the coming months, and International House will coordinate home hosts to serve as cultural ambassadors. In May, a group from Tajikistan focusing on youth programs will visit, in June, a delegation of entrepreneurs from Europe will be in town, and in July a group of teenagers from Iraq will visit to learn about diversity and explore how the U.S. melting pot functions.

New members are currently being recruited for United Way of Henderson County‘s next Rising Leaders program in the fall. UWHC will be accepting applications for the 2016-2017 Rising Leaders Program beginning May 12. 

The next Leadership Triangle After Hours will be hosted at the COR Museum in downtown Raleigh on Thursday, May 19th. Entrance to the event is free of charge for members of the Leadership Triangle Alumni Network (LTAN), $10 for Goodmon Fellows who are not members of the LTAN, and $20 for guests.   

The Regional Transportation Alliance business coalition will host former New York City Traffic Commissioner Sam Schwartz, PE, as the national keynote speaker of the RTA 2016 Transportation Breakfast. The event takes place Friday, April 29th at the Renaissance Raleigh North Hills Hotel.

ArtsGreensboro, in partnership with the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce, Guilford Merchants Association, and the North Carolina Entrepreneurship Center at UNCG, is accepting nominations for the 2016 Arts in Business Award. This annual award recognizes a Greensboro small business for its leadership and commitment to the arts and its impact on the arts over the past year, as measured by activities, projects, and/or events in support of any aspect of the arts.

In commemoration of Junior Achievement of Central North Carolina’s 50th anniversary, the organization will be providing educational programs through a “JA in a Day Blitz” in seven Guilford County Schools. Partnering with Leadership Greensboro and area businesses, the event allows volunteers to present Junior Achievement programs to students in one day.

Culture Mill will organize a new “Trust the Bus” series of 3 site-specific works in and around Saxapahaw, NC. Each performance will take place in a secret location, and participants will be invited to board Culture Mill’s 44-seat Blue Bird Bus, which will take them to the performance and bring them back to the Saxapahaw General Store in Saxapahaw, NC.

The Hook & Vine Seafood and Wine Festival will be held in Raleigh on April 24th. The event is hosted by The Wine Feed and Locals Seafood, and participating restaurants are Centro, Boiler Room, Capital Club 16, Plates, and Provenance. Proceeds will benefit the United Arts Council.

Relay For Life of Rowan County NC is hosting a Cancer Survivors and Caregivers Dinner, on Saturday, April 23rd at 5:00 pm. The event will take place at Livingstone College Culinary School (former Holiday Inn), 530 Jake Alexander Blvd South, Salisbury. Survivors/caregivers are invited to register at www.relayforlife.org/rowannc or contact a team member.  The dinner is free for survivors, and costs $5 each for  caregivers and guests. Please RSVP to 704-279-4079, and help Relay to celebrate survivors and their caregivers.

The North Carolina Planned Giving Council and the Association of Fundraising Professionals Charlotte Chapter will host Pamela Davidson on April 28th to discuss gift planning and development.

Talbots and Families Moving Forward is holding an evening of shopping for modern classic Spring styles and refreshments on Thursday, April 21st at Talbots in Durham. 

4.18.16 SHIFT NCSHIFT NC will hold their 2016 statewide conference, Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Propelling Adolescent Sexual Health Forward, May 11th-13th. This year’s conference will examine what works and what’s next in teen health.

In advance of the April 25 grand opening of the first Pieology Pizzeria in North Carolina, the Raleigh restaurant will be offering patrons free pizza on Saturday, April 23, with a donation to Junior Achievement of Eastern North Carolina.  The event is open to all Triangle residents and will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for dinner. There is a limit of one free pizza per guest, and 100 percent of all donations will benefit JAENC. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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