4.11.16 NC Nonprofit News

Apr 11, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

NCCF and its local affiliates accepting grant applications, Mint Museum's annual spring fundraising gala will feature a new theme, TLC and DAC partner for a one-day photo workshop, YNPN Triangle prepares for its second annual #NonprofitSTRONG Summit, Crisis Control Ministry launches its rebrand on its birthday, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Dandelion Eatery, a project of Safelight Family Services, received the first $100,000 Joy Pope Memorial Grant in Human Services to expand its commercial teaching kitchen. The Dandelion Eatery provides jobs training for domestic violence victims while operating as a restaurant open to the public.

The 2015 Winston-Salem/Forsyth County CROP Walk, held last October, recently announced that the Walk has raised $77,000 to fight hunger, both locally and around the world. This placed the local CROP Hunger Walk in the top ten largest CROP Walks in the nation for funds raised, and fourth in the Southeast region.

The Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity and the Business Bungalow initiative will dedicate two new homes on April 15th, after an anonymous $25,000 donation from Community Foundation of Western North Carolina was matched by businesses. 

The North Carolina Community Foundation and local county affiliates are accepting grant applications until May 10th for nonprofit organizations. County partners include but are not limited to Wake, Johnston, Randolph and Moore counties.

News about people, groups

Rhett Mabry has been named the president of The Duke Endowment, succeeding Gene Cochrane.

Melinda Wiggins has been named to Grantmakers for Effective Organizations‘ inaugural Nonprofit Advisory Council.

The Orange County Arts Commission held a free grant writing workshop on Monday, April 4th at the Chapel Hill Public Library. There is a May 31st deadline for receipt of grant applications for the spring cycle. Arts grants are available to nonprofit organizations, schools and individual artists.

Crisis Control Ministry celebrated its 43rd birthday on April 4th, 2016. As part of the celebration, the organization launched its rebranding campaign, which included a new logo and tagline.  

Triangle ArtWorks‘ Law+ArtWorks group will offer it’s popular Practicum Workshop on Copyrights, this time for photographers and filmmakers, on April 18th at the Frontier. Registration is required. 

The signature work of ArtsGreensboro is it’s annual “ArtsFund Campaign” – this year’s campaign goal is to reach $1.1 million by June 30th, 2016. Through contributions from community members, ArtsGreensboro is able to focus major financial resources on cornerstone institutions like Triad Stage and the Eastern Music Festival – to new and innovative projects like the Elsewhere- and more. 

Leadership Triangle‘s 2016 Regional Graduating Class will graduate Tuesday, May 3rd at the PNC Triangle Club. 

News about opportunities, initiatives

The Young Nonprofit Professionals Network Triangle NC #NonprofitSTRONG Summit is on April 22nd, 2016 at the McKimmon Conference & Training Center in Raleigh. The annual conference brings together nonprofit professionals from across the region for a full day of networking and professional development.

The Mint Museum‘s Spring Fundraising Gala, which will be held on April 30th, is moving in a new, fashion-forward direction. Beginning this year, the Gala’s permanent theme is Coveted Couture, a nod to the museum’s heralded and significant Fashion Collection.

Arts North Carolina’s annual two-day conference, ARTS Day 2016, kicks off the advocacy season on May 24th and 25th at NC State’s Talley Student Union, and the NC Legislative Building respectively. ARTS Day connects citizens to the civic process to see that this knowledge affects public policy.

This year, the Hispanic League will be awarding a record 42 scholarships. Including 2016’s awards, the Hispanic League will officially have awarded over 300 scholarships for a total of over $700,000 since 2000.

On May 28th at The Fillmore, Urban Ministry Center is holding HousingFest, a concert to end homelessness. Tickets are $39 and provide one night of permanent supportive housing for a chronically homeless neighbor. 

National Volunteer Week is a nation-wide celebration of volunteer service taking place from April 10th through April 16th, 2016. Join the Activate Good team for this week-long celebration of service.

Greenhill is holding ArtQuest for Adults and live music by Sam Frazier and Martha Bassett from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. There will be a Cash Bar, and the event is free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.

Dorcas Ministries is sponsoring the NC Baptist Men’s Dental Bus on April 16th, 2016.  All appointment times are full and there is a lengthy waiting list. Ministries needs one more Dentist so that it can provide services to those on the waiting list.

Registration is open for SHIFT NC‘s 2016 conference, Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Propelling Adolescent Sexual Health Forward. Join SHIFT from May 11th to 13th in Durham, NC.

Registration for the 2016 Triangle Caregivers Conference is now open. The cost is $10 for family caregivers and $50 for professional caregivers (includes NC-DHSR approved CEUs). Lunch and entertainment are covered in your registration fee.

Switchpoint, an IntraHealth International production, is a conference where humanitarian innovation, global health, and technology collide. The event will take place on April 21st and 22nd at Saxapahaw, NC.

Jason MarsalisWorld-renowned vibraphonist and drummer Jason Marsalis will lead this year’s annual JazzArts Music Camp, from June 13th to 17th, with Charlotte’s Jazz Arts Initiative. The one-week camp is a comprehensive jazz music training program for students grades 7 – 12.

The media mind of BC/DC Ideas, Mary Alice, will present the secrets of creating an integrated public relations campaign that brings in dollars, increases brand visibility and increases support from your donors and stakeholders. The event will take place on Thursday, April 21st at the Durham Public Library

The second annual Triangle Trivia Challenge is down to its final two spots for teams. Sponsored by SunTrust and hosted at Carolina Ale House, the second annual Trivia Challenge will take place April 14th, 2016.

Sunnyside CROPCarolina Improvements is teaming up with Crisis Control Ministry to help the hungry in Winston-Salem. Each time Carolina Improvements installs a roof (metal or shingles), they will donate $100.00 to Crisis Control Ministry, designated for the Client Choice food pantry. 

The Triangle Land Conservancy and Durham Arts Council will partner for a one-day photography workshop, “Beginning Outdoor Photography”, which teaches the basics of outdoor photography with Sol Levine on Saturday,  May 7th. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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