News about grants, gifts
Alice Lehman of Charlotte donated $4 million to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to fund the new cellular immunotherapy research program at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The Winston-Salem Foundation granted 19 nonprofit organizations over $515,000 in Community Grants in March.
The Lucy Daniels Center‘s “Cooking for a Classic” chef competition, which took place throughout February and March, concluded on April 12th and raised over $80,000 for the organization.
News about people, groups
The Association for Home & Hospice Care of NC presented its 2017 Honoring Outstanding Merit & Excellence Awards at the 45th Annual Conference & Expo, where Laura Patel was named Physician of the Year.
Arts Greensboro has completed the Van Dyke Performance Space, the new performing arts, events, and entertainment facility in the Greensboro Cultural Center.
James B. Black, III, was named chair of the North Carolina Community Foundation’s statewide board.
Durham Rescue Mission held a community dinner on April 14th to feed over 1,000 community members in need. Children also received Easter baskets.
A group of students at Hillside High School collaborated with The Iron Yard to participate in a nine week coding class where they learned earn about HTML, CSS, and introductory Java Script.
News about opportunities, initiatives

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