3.2.15 NC Nonprofit News

Mar 2, 2015 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Durham Arts Council accepting grant applications, SECU Habitat Challenge hopes to expand affordable housing, Johnston County Animal Protection League is hosting their 5th annual Spay-ghetti dinner, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Applications are now available for the Durham Arts Council’s Season Grants. Non-profit arts organizations or non-profits planning an arts activity may apply. For more, visit the Durham Arts Council web site.

Officials from SECU Foundation and Habitat for Humanity of North Carolina (HHNC) have signed a formal Memorandum of Agreement for a new joint initiative to expand affordable housing across North Carolina – the SECU Habitat Challenge. SECU Foundation’s Challenge will provide a significant investment of $10 million over a three year period for HHNC to build one new or renovated Habitat home in each of the State’s 100 counties. For more, go to www.habitatnc.org.

News about people, groups

Diane Evia-Lanevi, the Founder and Board Chair of The Tomorrow Fund for Hispanic Students, was honored on February 27 in San Francisco by the national nonprofit Hispanics in Philanthropy at their annual conference and gala. Learn more about the Tomorrow Fund here.

On Monday, March 2 Vintage Carolina will hold its 2015 Focus on Giving-A Living Legacy event. Proceeds help support the work of CFHC.

Actress, activist and New York Times Bestselling author Annabelle Gurwitch will be the featured speaker at the Jewish Federation’s Spring Lecture on Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at Temple Beth El in Charlotte, NC. Those attending will have an opportunity to make their annual gift to the Jewish Federation’s 2015 Annual Campaign. To learn more, click here.

Dan Solomon, Dean of the College of Sciences at North Carolina State University, received the Lifetime  Equity for Women Achievement Award  at the Sisterhood Dinner. For more, follow the link.

News about opportunities, initiatives

The Johnston County Animal Protection League is hosting their 5th annual Spay-ghetti dinner on Friday, March 27th at the Clayton Center for Active Aging. Proceeds from the dinner, JCAPL’s largest annual fundraiser, will be used to help the community with vet cost assistance. For more information and to purchase tickets, please click here.

The annual battle for the “Best Soup in Durham” will take place Thursday, March 5th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Durham Convention Center (301 West Morgan Street).  Urban Ministries of Durham (UMD) will hold its ninth annual Empty Bowls event presented this year by United Therapeutics to raise much-needed funds to help UMD serve over 241,000 meals a year to those in need. Tickets can be bought online at www.emptybowls15.eventbrite.com.

The Alzheimer’s Association Eastern North Carolina Chapter invites members of the community to learn about current Alzheimer’s research from leaders in the field at an Alzheimer’s & Dementia Research Symposium on Monday, March 2, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at The Friday Center in Chapel Hill. For more, please visit alz.org/nc 

First Friday, this March 6, offers various arts and cultural activities in the Greensboro area. To learn more, visit Arts Greensboro.

In its fifth year of fundraising for The V Foundation, Constellation Brands Beer Division will continue its “Your Corona Gets Us Closer to a Cure” campaign from March 1 to April 6, 2015.  Constellation Brands will make a donation to The V Foundation with each purchased case of Corona Extra or Corona Light through its distributor network, retailers and other businesses. To learn more about other fundraising opportunities click here.

The 4th annual Individual Donor Benchmark Survey is now open and nonprofits with budgets under $2 million are eligible to participate. For more information, visit www.thirdspacestudio.com or www.bcdcideas.com.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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