2.29.16 NC Nonprofit News

Feb 29, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The North Carolina Wildlife Federation launches Butterfly Highway initiative, Emily K Center hosts a 10th birthday celebration, the Tammy Lynn Center to celebrate the 30th birthday of A Toast to the Triangle, Prevent Child Abuse Rowan receives $7,500 KidCents grant, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The students at DC Virgo Middle School recently shared their STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) projects and knowledge with the North Carolina Holiday Flotilla board members and other community stakeholders as they received a $5,400 donation for the school’s STEM program from the Flotilla’s 2015 efforts.

Rite Aid associates recognized Prevent Child Abuse Rowan, the local KidCents charity, with a $7,500 donation for participating in The Rite Aid Foundation’s Big Hearts Give Challenge.

News about people, groups

2.22 Avanced Community Health originalOn February 5th, for Advance Community Health‘s “Give Kids a Smile Day,” the healthcare provider offered free dental exams, cleanings, and x-rays to children in its new ten operatory dental center located in Southeast Raleigh. 

On February 21st, nearly 250 women from 12 different Winston-Salem churches came together for the 4th Annual Red Dress Tea. In celebration of American Heart Month and the 8th year that Winston-Salem has gone red, Novant Health, the Office of Mayor Joines, and the American Heart Association invited women from different Winston-Salem congregations to come together to learn about how they can prevent heart disease.

On February 22nd, the Raleigh Durham Mobile Food Association organized a second food truck rodeo at the Durham Rescue Mission to feed residents treats for lunch. They served at the Center for Hope, the Durham Rescue Mission’s men’s campus, and the Good Samaritan Inn, the Durham Rescue Mission’s women and children’s campus.

The AFP NC, Triad Chapter received the Friends of Diversity Designation for performing specific activities designed to increase diversity and inclusion within fundraising and public awareness of the importance of philanthropy. Of the 243 chapters in AFP, 74 chapters received the 2015 Friends of Diversity Designation.

Zhen Gu, an assistant professor in the joint biomedical engineering program at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been named a 2016 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in chemistry. The fellowships go to early-career scientists and scholars whose distinguished performance and unique potential identify them as rising stars.

On Tuesday, February 23rd, at Doherty’s Irish Pub and Restaurant, diners had the opportunity to let waiters know that they were there to support Dorcas Ministries and 15% of their bill was donated to the total amount raised for the future event Purple Cloth K fundraiser.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Dress for Success Triangle and the Women Marines Association/NC-3 “Semper Fi” Chapter will host Owning and Writing the Story of your Military Life with award-winning military journalist and author Tracy Crow, on March 5th, 9:00 – 4:00 in Raleigh. Register by March 2nd at 919-286-2128 for this free event.

USTA and One Love present a screening and discussion of the documentary film Althea on Friday, March 4th, at 5:30 PM at the Boys & Girls Club Teen Center in Raleigh. The event will feature a discussion with Lenny Simpson, NC Tennis Hall of Famer and Founder of One Love Tennis in Wilmington, and Rex Miller, Director and Producer of Althea. Please RSVP to Andrew@nctennis.com by March 3rd.

Now through September, Activate Good is partnering with Frontline Families,­ a military initiative through Points of Light in partnership with Americorps. As part of this initiative, Activate Good is recruiting active and veteran military members and their families to become Volunteer Leaders in three separate cohorts. Each cohort will attend a series of three Leadership Luncheons. The first series begins March 12th.

The Beehive Collective is awarding small grants of $2,000 – $4,000 to one or more Raleigh nonprofits that address women’s empowerment through services or advocacy. The deadline for submission is Monday, March 21st.

The 12th Annual NC Philanthropy Conference will take place Thursday, August 18th, 2016 at the Sheraton Charlotte Hotel in Charlotte. The Conference Program committee seeks speakers to present dynamic, interactive breakout sessions. Speaker applications are available here. The application submission deadline is at 5:00 p.m., on March 21st, 2016.

The Council for Children’s Rights will host the sixth annual A Night for Children’s Rights, the Council’s largest fundraising event of the year.  The highlight of this year’s program, Building Bright Futures, is a film featuring the challenging and inspiring stories of children served and lives impacted by the Council’s mission and work.

2.22 International House originalHome Hosts are needed for one cyber entrepreneur from Latin America through the Young Leaders of the America’s Initiative. This visitor will be in Charlotte, working at a local cyber business during their stay. The International House is looking for a home host between February 28th and March 12th. 

Join Smart Start of Forsyth County, Inc. for the event “Raising Forsyth, A Celebration of 20 Year of Making a Difference Every Day in the Lives of Children, their Families, and Our Community” on Tuesday, April 12th, 7:30 am at the Bridger Field House at Wake Forest University.

Heart Math Tutoring has launched a funding initiative to double its school partners for the 2016/17 school year. The organization’s goal is to raise $750,000 by June 30th, 2016 to expand its service and support 750 students and 860 volunteer tutors across 15 schools.

Mike Smiley and Amy Taylor will be crowned King and Queen of the Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter’s  Lupus Mardi Gras Gala, presented by the Dickerson Family Trust, on March 5th.  The event runs from 7:00- 12:00 pm at CenterStage@NoDa in Charlotte.

The North Carolina Wildlife Federation has launched the Butterfly Highway – a statewide conservation initiative to help restore native pollinator habitats to areas impacted by urbanization, land use change, and agriculture. The goal of the initiative is to create a network of native pollinator plants to support butterflies, bees, birds and other pollen and nectar dependent wildlife.

On Sunday, March 6th, 2016, the Tammy Lynn Center will celebrate the 30th birthday of A Toast to the Triangle. In addition to the impressive offerings from the Triangle’s finest in food, there will be a raffle and silent auction that will boast an array of exciting items.

On March 8th, the Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce and Business Forward will host a White House Business Council briefing with Robert D. Manogue, Director of the Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, on international trade. This is an opportunity for people to ask questions and provide advice about international trade policies and how they affect their businesses and the greater Durham area.

The Women’s Impact Network seeks to award its 2016 annual grant to a New Hanover County environmental nonprofit. It is estimated that the grant amount will be about $30,000. Grant applications will be available to semi-finalists July 1st and grant applications will be due July 30th.

A celebration of the 10th birthday of the Emily K Center and one of the greatest rivalries in college basketball will take place on Saturday, March 5th. Stop by the Emily K Center anytime between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. for a bit of genuine North Carolina barbecue, some sweet tea, birthday cake, and good-spirited rivalry fun. Please RSVP so the center can make sure to have plenty of barbecue and birthday cake.

The Community Foundation of Henderson County’s Vintage Carolina gala will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., on Monday, March 7th at the Hendersonville Country Club. The cost is $120 per person, and proceeds help support the work of the Foundation.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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